Tag Archives: HOA

Another Neighbor From Hell

Yes, they do exist. Neighbors from Hell. And despite my anti-HOA angst I have to admit it when a certain neighbor should be hung from a yardarm.

Orange County, Florida, this woman even looks creepy. She set up a massive stereo speaker woofer system that intentionally blasted noise through her floors to drive her downstairs neighbor crazy. She could control the entire system from her smart phone.

Marianna Seachrist. What a piece of work!

It took a while, but the cops finally showed up. And now this attractive Florida beauty has a date with a judge.

Stan “The Man” and the Transfer Scam

In my book, Neighbors At War, I wrote about a nasty little piece of HOA theft called ‘transfer fees. ‘ They’re hidden deep within the text of your CC&Rs and the vast majority of home buyers never even see them. Sometimes they’re not even in the paperwork. But they can cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars at closing time. What are transfer fees? They’re a scam. They probably refer to photocopying costs which at ten cents a page shouldn’t cost you more than about ten bucks. But the transfer fee is pure slush that pours into the pockets of the nearest property manager or lawyer.

Your Frickin’ Frackin’ HOA Rights!

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Did you know that when you purchase a home — either new construction or resale — you might not own the rights to mineral resources beneath that home? If not, then you must take the time to read Reuters 2013 Special Report: US Builders hoard mineral rights under new homes, linked below.(1)

Oh, That Sinking Feeling When Your Builder Walks Away!

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Let’s face it. There is no shortage of construction defect reports for many homes built in the past decade, and Colorado homeowners seem to have more than their share of shoddy construction.

The focus in the news lately has been on condominiums, with city leaders bucking state law to go around legal protections for homeowners, claiming that if they do not ease up on construction standards, developers won’t be able to build enough “affordable” condos for first-time buyers.

Little Free Library Must Go Says The HOA!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Jennifer Fontanilla of Stockton, California had no idea she could not erect a Little Free Library in her front yard. Well, let’s say she had no idea her LeBaron Estates Owners Association could prohibit her from keeping the Little Free Library she won and then erected.

It’s got a bright yellow door and gives the impression literacy is just tempting inquiring minds of the young and old to open it. Take a peek inside. Find something interesting. And take it home to read.