Category Archives: Free Speech

Beware the HOA Scam!

guest blog by Deborah Goonan (

The HOA industry, and the politicians who support the industry – perhaps for dubious reasons – use the same talking point, over and over again:

“Vote the bums out!”

What a joke! As many have pointed out here on this blog, there are many factors that make a mockery of the fair election process in homeowners or condo associations.

The very first problem is that votes are allocated according to the corporate model of governance, and not based upon a democratic basis of “one person, one vote.” In Association Governed Residential Communities, voting interests (notice I did not say “rights”) are tied directly to the share of property owned within the association.

Rules for Radical HOAs

Nila Ridings, the homeowners rights firebrand from Kansas, raises a question that deserves consideration.

Now, I’ve read Rules for Radicals a number of times over the years. Saul Alinsky was the Chicago activist who taught that sneaky underhanded rebellion was a way to take over society. But read a little more deeply into his writings. Forget the politics. Forget left and right, Democrat and Republican. Forget conservative and liberal. Just sink deeply into his rhetoric and his logic.

Emergency Meeting!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

I think this HOA should have called it a memorial service not an emergency meeting. The money is already gone.

The checks have been written to credit card companies, a mortgage lender, and relatives of the culprit. She’s lawyered up and ready to fight her neighbors after stealing their money! Will this be another case of the HOA members paying for the legal representation of the accused thief?

I’ve literally seen so many of these stories about HOA board members or property managers stealing the HOA funds, I’m not shocked anymore. I feel no sensitivity about it. I used to feel angry but no longer do. Proof that too much of one thing becomes ordinary and expected, I guess.

Associa, CAI and Crooked HOA Transfer Fees

Transfer fees are among the biggest scams in the housing business. North Carolina residents tried to get them outlawed. Colorado is trying. New Mexico is trying. Transfer fees are a ‘little’ item on your paperwork that pops up when you try to sell your home. If you live in a Homeowners Association of any kind you’re likely to learn that you have to pay the fee before you can sell to a buyer. Transfer fee. That means some property manager had to photocopy the HOA covenants, probably a hundred or so pages. But you don’t photocopy them one page at a time. No, they’re on his computer. Push one button and the printer spits them all out in a couple of minutes.

You Can’t Make These Things Up!


Crazy story from the city of Commerce in Los Angeles County. A community newspaper reported on a growing scandal involving an alleged two million dollar kickback scheme involving the mayor of Commerce and several city officials. At least two of the officials live in a gated community there. Now an  HOA board member, in the foulest imaginable verbal assault, has told the newspaper delivery guy that he’s no longer allowed to deliver the paper to homeowners in the HOA.

(link to story about HOA members who aren’t supposed to know about this scandal)