Category Archives: Realtor

Your HOA Protects Your Property Values

What a hoot! Impossible as it seems, there are still homeowners who believe that bit of nonsense. When you buy a home in an HOA or Condo Association, you’re essentially pooling your net worth and life savings with a bunch of strangers, people you wouldn’t dream of inviting to lunch. Just go to any annual meeting of any HOA and listen to the yelling, the sarcasm, the accusations.

People in the Orlando, Florida area are talking about a neighborhood of elderly folks whose HOA went bankrupt in the housing bubble. An investor bought all 16 homes in the neighborhood. And now he’s jacked monthly dues up from 180 to 500 dollars. Obviously, these seniors are living on little more than Social Security. But if they don’t ante up with the monthly dues, well the investor just forecloses. There’s a killing being made in Florida, and Pennsylvania, and Northern Virginia, and Harris County, Texas, and Nevada, and California.

Yes, folks, you are looking at the future of HOA Amerika, where traditional Constitutional government has made a passive transfer to fascism and tyranny.

But my HOA protects my investment, doesn’t it?

If you say so.


The Worm Turns…. (Henry VI – Wm Shakespeare)

The victories are precious and few, but once in a while homeowners win a small victory against the fascists in HOA Amerika. An appeals court in California has issued a ruling that’s making the lawn Nazis twist in their graves.

The court ruled that all Homeowners Associations, when holding elections, must give homeowners with opposing views equal access to association media, when and if the board itself is taking a position in the election.

Amazing! This is one court in the nation that now says homeowners have rights. They cannot be shut out of the neighborhood newsletter or website. They cannot be shut up when trying to speak at the local board meeting when a campaign is in progress. The really stunning thing here is that a lower court ruled the exact opposite. But the Court of Appeals overturned the junk ruling from the lower court.

The Adams Kessler law firm, representing the HOA boards, adamantly opposed the Constitution’s Free Speech provision arguing that HOA boards have the right to stifle dissent during campaigns to amend the association’s by-laws. It argued that the HOA board was only “providing information” when it stomped on equal access provisions in California law.

The Appeals court essentially ruled that an association “board” is only a “member” of an association and does not have greater rights of access than any other member of the neighborhood.

Yes, it’s a subtle distinction, but no so subtle as to dodge the outrage of the Adams Kessler law firm. The Community Associations Institute routinely holds training seminars (think brainwashing) of the officers of HOA boards, during which it trains its puppets to always deny homeowners any access in newsletters, community bulletin boards or common areas if they hold an opposing view.

The Community Associations Institute is going to work its little black heart out to get this decision modified or overturned. CAI makes billions of dollars for its lawyers, its managers, its contractors, and its ‘training’ of board members. It simply cannot allow homeowners to regain any rights they lost to these fascist empires known as gated neighborhoods. And those billions of dollars will be thrown into the fight against this decision.

Still, my thoughts towards Adams Kessler: On this day, my friend, you lost.

The homeowners won.


Walling out Detroit Negroes

They won’t tell it like it is. But I will!

Detroit is bankrupt. All but the shouting is over. Now, the city councilman of a relatively prosperous Detroit suburb is urging some radical steps to keep his community safe.

Richard Fabiszak is a popular man in the community of Hamtramck. His community is surrounded by the failed city that is Detroit. But his proposals are raising eyebrows. He wants Hamtramck to build a wall, 12 to 14 feet high, completely around the community of 20,000 people. Most of the population is white, polish and Middle Eastern.

The community would have gates, of course, with armed guards who required state-issued I.D. to get in.

Detroit is a hell hole, right now, and not many people would deny it.

But doesn’t this idea of a walled-in city sound like the script for a new vampire or zombie movie?

Dear Lord, forgive us!  


Sheesh! Micro-Managing An HOA Mermaid!

Will wonders never cease? A young lady has been kicked out of her swimming pool by the Fishhawk Ranch Homeowners Association. That’s in Lithia, Florida.

Heck, who’s ever even heard of Lithia? Or cared about it?

But they’re on the map, now, after telling homeowner Eden Sirene that she’s violated the pool’s ‘no flippers’ rule. Board members want to keep their pool safe for the kiddies, of course, so swim fins are out.

Still, Eden Sirene doesn’t actually use swim fins. No, she entertains the kids by wearing a mermaid outfit in the water. In the strict sense of the word, is it a fin? Well, if you believe in mermaids then this outfit kind of looks like a fin.

Homeowners Associations have no sense of humor.


G-L-O-R-I-A Wins The Lottery But Loses Her Mind!

guest blog by Nila Ridings
Who doesn’t dream of winning the lottery?  Ms. Gloria MacKenzie was the lucky winner of $590,000,000.  She is set for life…well most likely not.  She paid 1.175 million for a house in a gated HOA with a private golf course near Jacksonville, Florida.images[2]
Gloria, do you know those CAI-trained HOA board members are drooling on their Brooks Brothers shirts and dripping on their Armani shoes just waiting for you to make one little mistake so they can start assessing you with fines?  My dear, don’t you dare plant one flower of the wrong color or park your car outside of your garage on your driveway for even five seconds.  You are a retired single woman with a target on your back. You’re in an HOA, remember?  You’re the ultimate bull’s eye.  You’ve paid cash.  You have cash.  And everybody knows it.
The only consolation is:  Gloria has enough cash to buy the whole darn neighborhood if they provoke her enough!