Hear Chilling Stories of HOA Abuse by Award Winning Investigative Reporter, Ward Lucas

Ward LucasWard Lucas is willing to come to your town, sign books, do an after dinner presentation, and entertain your audience with stories about some of the wildest HOA controversies to come down the pike.  He’s been on the national speaking circuit for more than 20 years with some other top presentations involving consumer scams, psychic confidence rings, murder for hire plots in which he found himself smack in the middle of places no reporter wants to be.
But now that he’s retired from the TV News business, he’s ready to be a neighborhood housing activist, making sure that American homeowners get back the rights they’ve lost to the national HOA scam!  So, if you’re planning a mass demonstration, a march on the Legislature or any other general rabble rousing, all it takes is an invitation, and Ward Lucas will be there!
Contact him here: