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Have We Turned a Corner in the HOA Fight?

I hate to act amused at someone else’s misfortune, but this is one of those rare times when all homeowners should stand up and cheer. It seems the Indiana Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against three board members of The Harbours Homeowners Association in Jeffersonville. It may be that law enforcement around the country is following the example of the FBI in its massive Grand Jury investigation into Las Vegas HOAs.

Is the Homeowners Association Movement Fundamentally Flawed?

First, homeowners who unwittingly sign those real estate papers to buy into an HOA generally don’t realize that they’re stepping out of the Constitutional government we’re all so used to. And they’re stepping into an entirely new form of government. A true democracy. The kind of democracy that our founding fathers warned us to avoid. A lot of bad things happen in a democracy, such things as slavery or discrimination, or complete suppression of minority factions.