America became the great nation it is because explorers and businessmen and investors were allowed to make a profit from their own labor. After all, the profit motive is one of the strongest incentives known to man. This country’s capitalist background has allowed it to become the strongest, most industrious nation in history. People around the world recognize that and many are fighting for a way to leave their countries and enter ours.
At the same time, unchecked capitalism has a way of becoming militant, fascist and a great purveyor of poverty, dismay and destitution. So over the past two centuries we’ve enacted laws to keep the system fair. The profit motive, theoretically, was to be balanced against the Constitution’s guarantee of personal rights.
Sadly, that goal of fairness is rarely balanced against the needs of certain populations such as the elderly.
There’s a tragic story developing in San Francisco where a feisty 98 year old lady who’s lived in her apartment for 50 years is in danger of being tossed out into the street. The KRON-TV story linked below tells the story far more powerfully than I can. And the protestors who’ve gathered in the streets to draw attention to this great act of commercial cruelty are to be commended for their efforts to level the playing field. The same act of courage is needed to expose the abuses of HOAs, POA and COAs.
The three greatest tragedies in life are to die too young, live too long or find yourself targeted by an out-of-control Homeowners Association.