The Las Vegas Review-Journal, which is the only news outlet in the nation to thoroughly and consistently report the massive HOA scam, is out with new details this weekend on the decade-long scandal.
More than forty people were indicted, pleaded guilty, committed ‘suicide’ or are still awaiting trial in a scheme to take over Homeowners Associations in Nevada. After gaining control of the boards of at least ten HOAs, these criminals voted themselves untold millions of dollars of homeowners’ money. Instead of paying for repairs and maintenance, the millions were diverted into the pockets of lawyers, police officials, businessmen, politicians and others. The big suspect is Las Vegas night club owner and tequila manufacturer Leon Benzer. He claims he’s currently paying his massive legal expenses by driving a taxi.
It now looks like the racketeering trials will be delayed another six months to March of 2015.
(link to September 13th story in Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Can you imagine how much this federal investigation and trial is costing American taxpayers?
My guess would be on the conservative side…hundreds of millions.