(Ward is on the left coast dealing with a family emergency. I’ll try to post when possible, but in the meantime the email below is hilarious. It’s from ‘Arizona Dave’ to me, but he’s given me permission to reprint. And Dave is absolutely not responsible for the Bimbo stories. I am. LOL! Not only did I score an exact hit with my verbiage, but I might have found the thinnest-skinned legislator in the country. Also, special note to Bimbo Ugenti: in politics a sense of humor keeps your head above water!)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Dave Russell, CAM
Community Association Manager
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Circle Tree Owners Association
461 W Holmes Ave
Mesa, AZ 85210
Office Phone (480) 655-0311
Fax (480) 655-8524
Circle Tree is an FHA approved community (Project ID S002462)
From: Michelle Ugenti <MUgenti@azleg.gov>
To: .ALLHMEMS <ALLHMEMS@azleg.gov>; .ALLSMEMS <ALLSMEMS@azleg.gov>
Cc: Dave Russell <davecr102@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 1:34 PM
Subject: Please read regarding SB1482
All this time I thought Republicans were smarter than this! Aren’t Republicans generally for smaller, less intrusive government? Preservation of Constitutional rights? Maybe there’s something in the water in Arizona to make Republicans stupider than the rest of the country. But this trio is something else, bringing back a fundamentally unconstitutional and illegal HOA bill, over, and over, and over.
Representative Michelle Ugenti (the cute young thing) is somehow getting her strings pulled by the powers-that-be in the HOA industry. Remember, politics is about nothing more than who gets how much of the pie. Looks like these three might be carving out a larger slice for themselves than anyone else in office. If Ugenti’s proposed law ever gets passed and signed by Governor Blondie it’ll be challenged in the courts. And once again it’ll be rejected.
Ward, you’re right! Thin skin and a lack of ethics will be this legislator’s downfall.