Category Archives: lawsuit

Another Consumer Blogger Gets It!

Ah, it’s so good when you see member of the real estate industry who finally discovers that all is not good in HOA Amerika! I hope he continues his research. He’s going to be stunned!

(link to Clark Howard News)


Madonna’s HOA problems

Madonna may decide her uppity New York co-op neighbors aren’t worth the rent. She’s suing because the co-op board doesn’t want Madonna’s kids or domestic help staying there when she isn’t physically in the building.

In the story linked below, I don’t read that she’s suing for racial discrimination, but I’d bet my last dollar that’s going to be a central point of her lawsuit. Some white folks just don’t like it when people of color are around. That’s how the whole HOA movement got started in the first place. Don’t believe me? Go look in the title history of your property deed!

Gosh, when is racism ever going to go away? Isn’t it time, folks?

(link to story on Madonna suing her co-op)

Madonna‘s claims her Upper West Side co-op in New York City has barred her children and staff from living in the residence while she is not there, according to a lawsuit obtained by Page Six.

The pop star – who has been traveling the world on her Rebel Heart tour – alleges that Harperley Hall “illegally changed her original proprietary lease in April 2014 to say that her children and domestic help cannot live in the unit unless she herself is ‘in residence’ at the time,” according to Page Six.

Her lease at Harperley Hall prevents anyone younger than 16 from living in her apartment without an adult older than 21 also present, according to Page Six.

In her suit, Madonna, 57, said that her career requires her to travel extensively, and that she owns several residences around the world, thus creating an impossible situation, according to Page Six.

Madonna’s four children are all under the age of 21, and only one, Lourdes, 19, is older than 16.

Meanwhile, the singer is currently in the middle of a months-long custody dispute with ex-husband Guy Ritchie over their 15-year-old son, Rocco.


ABC News (kind of) Discovers The HOA Scam!

The Nation’s news media are late to the table in discovering the national scam known as Homeowner Associations. One of the early ‘discoverers,’ though, was ABC News, although their first story was a little tepid. It’s linked below.

But the news agency kinda, sorta hinted that simple rules violations by homeowners could cost up to six figures before things get straightened out. Six figures? Some sad homeowners have spent more than a million dollars trying to straighten out an idiotic problem. Since HOAs are invariably backed by a huge insurance policy they just love for a homeowner to sue. It’s more satisfying than sex! The homeowner files suit, the HOA’s insurance policy kicks in and these criminals who run the HOA get a free ride while their insurance company tries to stretch the case out while whittling the homeowner’s life savings away.

Folks, this is racketeering, the same kind of organized crime activity that produced 43 federal indictments and convictions in Las Vegas last year. We’re not fighting a few small-brained people with super-sized egos. We’re fighting a crime wave, an organized crime wave intent on destroying the Constitutional fabric of our Republic!

Wake up!

Or move to Argentina!

(link to ABC story on war against homeowners)


Denver Snow

Sorry about getting behind on my Neighbors At War blogs but I have been slogging through this Denver blizzard. At first I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but that was before I got my Blazer and my snowplow stuck in ditches. Oh, and trying to dig out neighbors has been a huge stress producer. This really wasn’t much in terms of a Denver blizzard. We had one in March of 2003 that left snowdrifts up to twenty feet high. But this one, despite being just a couple of feet, is the wettest snowfall I’ve ever seen.

Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.

Major HOA Legal Implications!

It looks like our side won a small but significant legal battle. A federal judge has ruled that a debt collector’s law firm can be held liable when it presents false information received from the client. The debt collector had inflated its claim against a homeowner by thousands of dollars, the same thing HOA debt collectors do all over the country. Finally! Finally, a law firm gets smacked for false representation!

Now we need a case where the HOA itself is also found liable for hiring crooked debt collectors who use crooked lawyers.

(link to law firm that wins legal ruling)