Tag Archives: HOA Neighborhood

HOA Justice Is Rare, But Sometimes Happens

Do HOAs ever find true justice when they’re ripped off by property managers? Well, not often. But once in a blue moon a crooked HOA manager is held to account. Well, kind of.

A couple of property managers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were caught with their hands in several HOA cookie jars under their control. Over a two year period they stole more than a hundred thousand bucks.

“No contest! No contest at all!” Judges love to hear those words. It means they can dispose of a case quickly, make the bad guys promise to pay back a few bucks, and not have to bother about putting the bad guys behind bars.

Probation instead of jail?

The case linked below is a lot more complicated than that. But the bottom line is that innocent homeowners got screwed. The lawyers all made money. And the embezzlement suspects are walking away with smirks on their faces.

(link to Eagle Tribune story on weird restitution case in HOA embezzlement scheme)


Another News Station ‘Gets It’ About HOAs

Have you noticed over the past couple of years how more and more news media outlets are doing HOA stories? It’s a trend that will continue growing as HOA boards and management companies become more abusive. In fact, when the HOA bubble bursts in the coming housing collapse, HOA homeowners are going to be screaming about their vanishing home equity. They can’t complain that we didn’t try to warn them.

The NBC affiliate in Atlanta is the latest station to become a little more aggressive. Here’s the link to their story.

(link to 11Alive story in Atlanta)

I would note, however, that they’ve been sucked in by the CAI lie that the vast majority of homeowners are satisfied with their Homeowners Association experience. Any random poll of people on the street would show a HUGE amount of dissatisfaction with the local lawn Nazis. Just stop people on the street and ask. There’s no poll-rigging on that survey!


Hey, Sweetie, Let’s Buy A Condo

Condo, co-op, duplex. Growing numbers of people are moving into Homeowners Associations with approximately ZERO knowledge of what they are and how dangerous they can be.

It’s been tough getting the media’s attention, but the movement to wake American homeowners up seems to be gaining momentum. Every little bit helps, including the article linked below.

(a word of warning from TheStreet)


San Antonio Military Hero Gets Help

Four days ago I blogged about a retired Air Force pilot suffering from leukemia in San Antonio. The city is trying to fine him because of his uncut lawn. Other bloggers put out the word as well. I’ve now learned that volunteers in Texas are stepping forward to help this man in his time of need.

Isn’t America a great country?

(a worthwhile organization)