Tag Archives: HOA corruption

You Rotten Canadians!

And here I thought Canadians were all so polite. Well, in my experience, they’re a heck of a lot more polite than your typical American.

Still, when people get involved in a Homeowners Association, on either side of the border, tempers can flare, guns get pulled, people get injured and are sometimes even shot to death. So far, all the HOA murders have happened on the American side.

But click this link below and look at the chaos that happens in a typical annual strata meeting (in Canada strata refers to high-rise condo associations). Canadians don’t have the same Bill of Rights protections that we do. But it doesn’t matter what side of the border you’re on, you really do recognize when you’re being robbed of your rights by the arrogant lawn Nazis.

No wonder I’ve been selling so many copies of my book, Neighbors At War, to Canadians!!!

(link to brouhaha in a Vancouver, Canada HOA)


Another News Station ‘Gets It’ About HOAs

Have you noticed over the past couple of years how more and more news media outlets are doing HOA stories? It’s a trend that will continue growing as HOA boards and management companies become more abusive. In fact, when the HOA bubble bursts in the coming housing collapse, HOA homeowners are going to be screaming about their vanishing home equity. They can’t complain that we didn’t try to warn them.

The NBC affiliate in Atlanta is the latest station to become a little more aggressive. Here’s the link to their story.

(link to 11Alive story in Atlanta)

I would note, however, that they’ve been sucked in by the CAI lie that the vast majority of homeowners are satisfied with their Homeowners Association experience. Any random poll of people on the street would show a HUGE amount of dissatisfaction with the local lawn Nazis. Just stop people on the street and ask. There’s no poll-rigging on that survey!


Another Great One From Deborah Goonan

One of the country’s best Homeowners’ Rights bloggers….perhaps THE best is Deborah Goonan. Her blog is Independent American Communities. Articulate, wise, informed. In short, I’m wildly jealous of her! Maybe in the next lifetime I’ll be reincarnated with her brain.

In any event, her current post, linked below, is one you should print out and keep copies in a file folder where you can quickly find it to hand out to friends.

10 tough questions for opponents of HOA reform

Run Like Your Hair Is On Fire From Village Cooperative

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Facebook has lots of HOA, COA and cooperative ads that pop up and most I ignore. This one I could not because it said Village Cooperative a 55+ housing community. And wouldn’t you know Facebook has it blocked so I cannot make any comments. A year or so ago I did comment on some sort of HOA advertising and since then I’ve been blocked from making comments on all things HOA. Coincidence? I think not.

My heart sank. They are building several of these in close proximity to where I live! Who are the poor fools who will fall into this trap? Did they not read the Kansas City Star HOA Hell series that Judy Thomas wrote back in August? Were they on vacation? Were they packing to sell their house and move into this Village Cooperative? Or did they believe the sales pitch and not the journalist?

This is when I wish our advocates had massive amounts of money for advertising to purchase billboards next door to these places warning buyers to run like their hair is on fire!

Read their website. They make it sound like Village Cooperative is as close to heaven as you’ll get on earth. Makes me gag!

(link to Village Cooperative website)


When An HOA Goes Broke

Ah yes, believe all you want that your Homeowners Association protects the value of your property. But you’re spitting into the wind. All these years you’ve believe a falsehood spread by an industry that will NEVER be in the business of protecting your home value. This industry believes in the Almighty Dollar, no matter how it’s obtained.

The Pine Ridge HOA in Bushkill, Pennsylvania is a perfect example. A wave of non-dues-paying owners combined with a huge number of foreclosures has pulled this neighborhood right to the brink of bankruptcy. They’re struggling to find an answer. The answer is…there is no answer. You thought you were buying a retirement home? You ended up with a piece of Florida swamp land. Valueless. You believed the lie. You discovered what those of us in the Homeowners Rights movement have been warning you about.

The news story linked below has some interesting elements you might want to see.

(link to possible HOA bankruptcy in Pocono Record)