Ever heard of Keizer? It’s a small community next to Interstate 5 in Central Oregon. And homeowners in the McNary Estates Homeowners Association are about to end up in a giant bloodbath because of stupid HOA leaders. And I mean Stoopid, with a capital ‘S.’
How many times do we hear of HOAs breaking state and federal law protecting handicapped people? You can’t discriminate against them. It’s blatantly illegal and it’s almost an automatic jury verdict of millions. Now, with the mistreatment of the family of a disabled girl, the family has filed a lawsuit. This HOA essentially chased this tragic family out.
Guess what’s next? Special assessments. Every homeowner in McNary Estates will get a sudden bill to pay up his or her fair share of the money this family will win. Wanna buy a home there? Heck, betcha you can pick one up right now…real cheap!
With all the tens of billions of dollars being embezzled from homeowners and Homeowners Associations across the country, you’d think sending a crook to prison wouldn’t be that unusual a news story. Sadly, stories like the one linked below are pretty rare.
An embezzler in Utah who operates in a number of states has been sentenced by a federal judge in Nevada to three years in prison. Oh yes, he has to make four million dollars in restitution. At least those are the terms of his plea bargain. What? He stole all those millions and has no way to pay it back? Then why isn’t he in prison for life?
You all know how I despise HOA corruption. Actually, that’s superfluous. HOA and corruption are pretty much interchangeable. “You got corrupted?” “You got HOA’d?” See what I mean?
But a federal judge has just ruled that sticky-fingered lien-flingers can’t assume a superior position when trying to screw a homeowner and his mortgage company over some tiny violation of CC&Rs. The only problem is that without all those illicit profits, your HOA will just have to raise your dues. Or file lots more lawsuits.
Keep your grass trimmed! Don’t let an overnight guest park his car on your driveway! And by golly, don’t display the American flag!
39-year-old William Francis managed money for more than four dozen HOA clients. He also managed to steal enough to finance the kind of life many men like him would love to have. Limousines, hookers, porn, NBA tickets. He faces a maximum of 20 years in federal prison. Ah, but these judges rarely sentence a white collar criminal to more than 18 months behind bars. This man apparently spent a lot of his life behind bars, the kind where you find loose women and alcohol.
A life of luxury? People like this guy should get life in prison. Until we start treating embezzlement from HOAs like the crime it really is, the wave of corruption will continue. Nobody takes this crime seriously….except the victims.
Yikes! How can I say that having two brothers who are lawyers? And how can I say that after passing the LSAT and being offered a free ride through the University of Washington Law School?
I can say that as a forty-year journalist watching lawyers in court. Never trust a lawyer.
In the link below, a CAI lawyer has tried to simplify the ‘education’ process for prospective buyers. It’s a good step forward. But I like Nila Ridings idea of making all HOA home buyers sign an acknowledgement that each buyer isn’t really buying a home. He or she is buying shares of stock in a non-profit corporation where every single asset, every bank account, every stock account, every college education account is pledged as security to pay for each and every misdeed, miscalculation, embezzlement and lawsuit involving the HOA.
Run, people, run!
Run from that HOA purchase as fast as you can!
Tell your Realtor, “Don’t show me anything in an HOA!”