Tag Archives: Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Another Consumer Blogger Gets It!

Ah, it’s so good when you see member of the real estate industry who finally discovers that all is not good in HOA Amerika! I hope he continues his research. He’s going to be stunned!

(link to Clark Howard News)


Rare, Rare, Rare Embezzling Arrest!

Whoa! This doesn’t happen very often. But apparently there’s so much fraud and embezzlement from Miami condo owners that police are making a tentative attempt at cracking down. The link below shows an arrest by a special police squad formed to combat condo embezzlement.

Still, if Miami dedicated every one of its police officers to fighting fraud by the HOA Lawn Nazis, they’d barely put a dent in the problem. Homeowners Associations and Condo Associations are all fundamentally corrupt, every single one of them. Even if a rare HOA has escaped an embezzlement situation, they’re all just one vote away from disaster.  From the very beginning, the rules governing Homeowner Associations were written by the lawyer to the lawyer from the lawyer. Developers were given government permission to build higher density housing as long as they enacted approved covenants and controls. Those controls were never meant to protect homeowners. They were built to protect developers, funnel money to lawyers, and obtain that money from the pockets of gullible home buyers. No homeowner can possible be in 100% compliance with all HOA rules. It’s not humanly possible. That means fines, liens and foreclosures…and lots and lots of lawyers’ kids are collecting their sports cars and their college tuition money.

Follow the money. Always follow the money. if you see a photo of some HOA treasurer getting busted for stealing, just look where the big money’s going. There’s always a cloud of vultures circling over the carrion.

(link to Miami Herald HOA bust!)


I Feel Like A Little Kid!

Retirement can be boring. That’s why I spend so much time on YouTube and other sites. Over a week ago I was researching HOA rules against any and all use of solar energy and came across an amazing device, so amazing I immediately bought one. It’s a solar oven that operates on a vacuum tube principle that concentrates the sun’s rays into a cooking tray.

Every meal I’ve had during the past week has been cooked in this oven. Every meal! It’s tiny, it’s portable, it can get over 500 degrees in the tube but is completely cool to the touch outside. I just started the NutriSystem diet a couple of weeks ago and the NutriSystem meals fit perfectly inside the tray; soup, pizza, veggies, omelettes, all the other good stuff. Yesterday I even made a couple batches of chocolate chip cookies. 26 minutes in the Colorado sunshine and the cookies have an amazing taste and texture. Ugh! Despite my diet, the cookies have mysteriously all vanished.

And despite the oven’s hot temperatures it traps moisture inside the tube. It’s a taste you can’t get in your regular oven. My regular stove and microwave haven’t been used even once! When the national power grid goes down, I’ll be the one down the road eating all the hot meals! And, yes, I’ll leave the door open for you!

I’m so glad my house is outside the ugliness of the two neighboring HOAs. They’d have me thrown in prison, for sure.

Ah yes, a link to the solar oven:

GoSun Stove

I have absolutely no connection to this company, but I love their product!

BTW, if you buy one let me know. I’ve discovered some unrelated products that work perfectly with this device.

A Little Bit of Humor!

If you think the link below gives any hint to my personal beliefs then you’ll be dead wrong. I just want to pass it on because it’s funny. And humor is the way to build bridges between people of different political persuasions.

Enjoy! Always enjoy the humor in life.


ABC News (kind of) Discovers The HOA Scam!

The Nation’s news media are late to the table in discovering the national scam known as Homeowner Associations. One of the early ‘discoverers,’ though, was ABC News, although their first story was a little tepid. It’s linked below.

But the news agency kinda, sorta hinted that simple rules violations by homeowners could cost up to six figures before things get straightened out. Six figures? Some sad homeowners have spent more than a million dollars trying to straighten out an idiotic problem. Since HOAs are invariably backed by a huge insurance policy they just love for a homeowner to sue. It’s more satisfying than sex! The homeowner files suit, the HOA’s insurance policy kicks in and these criminals who run the HOA get a free ride while their insurance company tries to stretch the case out while whittling the homeowner’s life savings away.

Folks, this is racketeering, the same kind of organized crime activity that produced 43 federal indictments and convictions in Las Vegas last year. We’re not fighting a few small-brained people with super-sized egos. We’re fighting a crime wave, an organized crime wave intent on destroying the Constitutional fabric of our Republic!

Wake up!

Or move to Argentina!

(link to ABC story on war against homeowners)