“Complaints Against HOAs Are So Rare” -CAI

When some media outlet reports on the latest outrage involving an out-of-control board of lawn Nazis, the CAI invariably sends out representatives who use the same old tire lined: “These complaints are so rare and isolate, they’re not even worth talking about.” They use that same lie whenever they testify in front of State Legislatures.

Here’s another of those “Oh, so rare,” and “Oh, so isolated” stories:




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Ward Lucas is a longtime investigative journalist and television news anchor. He has won more than 70 national and regional awards for Excellence in Journalism, Creative Writing and community involvement. His new book, "Neighbors At War: the Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association," is now available for purchase. In it, he discusses the American homeowners association movement, from its racist origins, to its transformation into a lucrative money machine for the nation's legal industry. From scams to outright violence to foreclosures and neighborhood collapses across the country, the reader will find this book enormously compelling and a necessary read for every homeowner. Knowledge is self-defense. No homeowner contemplating life in an HOA should neglect reading this book. No HOA board officer should overlook this examination of the pitfalls in HOA management. And no lawyer representing either side in an HOA dispute should gloss over what homeowners are saying or believing about the lawsuit industry.

5 thoughts on ““Complaints Against HOAs Are So Rare” -CAI

  1. Deborah Goonan

    Here’s what I don’t understand. Would State Legislators believe the NADA (National Auto Dealer’s Association) if they claimed to represent the interests of motor vehicle consumers?

    Would State Legislators believe Auto Manufacturing lobbies if they insisted that defects and safety recalls were “rare” and that horror stories of personal injury or fatalities were “anecdotal?”

    I seriously doubt it!

    So why do the same State Legislatures bow down to CAI and home builder lobbies?

    It all comes down to two words:

    Property taxes.

    1. Cynthia

      Agreed, Deborah Goonan! Almost double property taxes because the HOA homeowner really only gets public education and in many areas law enforcement response also.
      I am also told “it comes down to” storm water runoff and who is responsible. Cities and counties, and would suspect states too, do not want to be accountable for storm water management and control.

  2. Cynthia

    Ward, If any of us had kept track, I believe there would be thousands, upon thousands and probably more like “millions” of HOA homeowners forced to endure HOA homeowner horrors and HOA Hells, over the last 15 years, or so, when it comes to their boards. They just were not reported on. Many news outlets in the past have refused to report the HOA homeowner horrors, HOA homeowner abuses, HOA board criminality, or questionable on goings and legal and judicial abuses, etc., and sadly, I believe still do, but it incredible and gifted journalists and their courageous publications have moved forward and decided the truth concerning HOAs is much more important than the HOA secrecy, corruption, collusion and cover-ups!

    Here is another recent report from California the readers of your blog may want to see:
    More deliriously happy HOA homeowners. So happy in fact, they had to spend their time, efforts and finances recalling their HOA board!
    HOA – California
    “According to a West Hills and West Creek community bulletin, approximately 90 percent of the 682 ballots received were in favor of the recall and the election of five new directors.

    The vote to recall was scheduled last month after more than 5 percent of the homeowners association signed a petition calling for a new election. A mailer unassociated with the homeowners association stated that the board was fiscally irresponsible and lacked transparency.”


  3. Cynthia

    Oh so “isolated,” right? Another HOA homeowner horror and HOA board recall in the works!
    Michigan – HOA – Feud between homeowner’s group, couple goes to court
    Livingston Daily

    Ralph and Sharon Hazen refused to stop building their new home in the North Shore Village subdivision after their homeowner’s association slapped …

    And, what do you know, another HOA board recall!
    “Neighbors circulated a petition to recall the three members of the association board who voted against the couple — Andy Warner, Cathy Literski and Chris Bodie — which got enough signatures to “demand a special meeting” of the board, of which Ralph Hazen is now a board member himself.”
    I am a bit confused about their ordeal though because the article states the couple is violating their “condominium” documents? This appears to be single family structures, detached, and their are condos developed as such, but this typically means the condo association owns the land and structure’s exterior. Who would want to spend so much money and give the association so much power and control over what they own and their lives?


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