Tag Archives: Correspondents

White House Correspondents Dinner

I won’t tell you whether I’m a big fan or a big critic of President Obama, but his speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner this weekend was amazing. It was funny, he has the most incredible speech writers and coaches in the world. But the best part of his speech was the final four minutes in which he talked about the risks and dangers of being a reporter.


That one went straight to my heart. And I thought of all those people who take chances and write about the National HOA Scam.

Freedom is what it’s all about. The U.S. Constitution doesn’t define what a reporter is or what the Press is. Any lawyer in America will conclude that every single person who takes it upon himself or herself to fight a villain is a reporter, fully protected by the First Amendment. If you write an email you ARE the Press. If you personally contact your neighbors about the outrages, the embezzlement schemes, the harassment of homeowners you ARE the Press. Each and every one of you.

The First Amendment is what our country is all about. It’s also the single amendment that Homeowner Associations boards constantly try to trash.

Protect it.

Love it.

Die for it.

(President Obama’s speech at the Correspondents Dinner)