Tag Archives: embezzlement

HOA Problems Are International!

Although this blog is mainly aimed at an American audience, I’ve been getting international email about Homeowner Association problems around the world! Most of you already know it, but most other countries don’t use the terms “HOA, POA, CID”, etc.  For them it’s “Strata”, or high rise vertical real estate. And don’t think for a moment that strata are exempt from dictatorial and arbitrary management, revenge foreclosures, denial of rights, embezzlement, corruption, extortion and Mafia-like control.

The latest email directed me to a newspaper article in Malaysia. And it’s well-worth reading!


A Half Million Dollar Embezzler

This blogger has repeatedly said that embezzling in American HOAs is almost universal. There are no controls, and where there are no controls human beings universally drop to their lowest ethical level. Another example popped up in Davenport, Florida.

HOA president David Meadows has been arrested for allegedly stealing a half million dollars from his Homeowners Association. One resident, Danielle Groth, says it’s routine for her HOA to charge $100 a day for such things as cigarette butts on the ground to kids’ toys in the yard or the wrong style of window blinds.

The Florida State Attorney Generals office says a lot of that money ended up in David Meadows pocket.

The Bimini Bay Homeowners Association. Such a lovely place to live!
