Category Archives: Hawaii

Embezzlement Arrest In Aloha State

Ah, that island paradise where everyone would someday like to be. Warm breezes, exotic fragrances, tropical birds, macadamia nuts and pineapples. White kukuis, cottage roses, and yellow hibiscus. Yellow ilima, red ohia and Pele’s sacred lihua blossoms. It seems that Hawaii has just about everything. Even HOA embezzlers.

Yes, Toni Ann Floerke-Politsch is a bigtime condominium manager. She heads a management firm on Oahu. Prosecutors in Honolulu have charged her with stealing more than $100,000 from condo owners who trusted her to manage their properties. She’s now charged with fourteen counts of felony theft.

You’d think that once you make it to Paradise, you’d be able to have a little faith in the people around you.

A message to Toni: Kapakahi, keke’e donkey pilau haole basuda. Many wish you uku pile ukus in jail.

(pidgin-english-hawaiian word translator)

(link to KITV-News story on Toni Ann Floerke)