Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

HOAs on Steroids!

I’ve written about this before, but if you want to see what happens when Homeowners Associations take over the reigns of government, you need go no further than what was formerly known as the “Cocaine Capitol of the World,” Aspen, Colorado.

Aspen is sometimes known as ‘Hollywood East.’ All the big movie stars have second homes there. Visit a couple of neighborhood bars and you’re more than likely to spot a half dozen TV and movie celebrities. Millionaires and zillionaires everywhere.

But all of that glitz and glamour has to be supported by an infrastructure of waiters and waitresses, desk clerks, bartenders and room maids. And when every home within spitting distance of Aspen is worth millions, where do these ‘common people’ live? They simply have to find lower income housing dozens of miles and many commute hours away from town.

What to do? What to do?

Well, the glitzy ritzies have come up with a plan. Public housing, subsidized by tax dollars. If you’re a so-called Aspen ‘poor person’ you can apply for subsidized housing. Yes, you can live in a zillion dollar home for pennies on the dollar and the taxpayer foots the bill.

My explanation is admittedly simplistic, but Homeowners Associations in Aspen have discovered that they can make a fortune by sucking at the public teat. Drain money from the taxpayers to make up for million dollar mortgages in homes that are leased to renters who could care less about maintaining property values as long as they get free housing. And property owners are promised their share of the taxpayer pot if they make their winter homes available for occasional use by the city.

Gosh, where have we heard this kind of thing before?

It’s controversial. It’s not exactly what you would call free market capitalism. It’s a complete distortion of Marketing Principles 101. But Aspen sort of lives life its own way. As rich a community as it is, it’s hard to get away without snorting some money out of the community trough.

For the rich and poor, it’s hard to turn down free money.

(link to story in Aspen Times on taxpayer subsidized house)


Idiots, Idiots, Idiots All!

Just when you think you’ve heard the stupidest story ever about an HOA board, along comes an idiotic decision that just makes you shake your head.

It’s election season, and you’d think Texans would have a little more common sense than most people. I spent some growing up years in Texas, and I loved considering myself a Texan. But combine the words ‘Texan’ and ‘Homeowners Association’ and you just get twenty-seven degrees of STOOPID.

The Stonebridge Ranch Homeowners Association in McKinney, Texas has a rule that a political sign can’t have more than one name on it. Huh? Yup. Y’all listen up, ya hear? Only one name on each sign. So, a McKinney homeowner fought the rule…and lost. But he came up with a solution that’ll just leave you shaking your head.



HOA Neighborhood Shaming

Shaming. It’s another word for bullying. For abusing. Often, public shaming is more hurtful than physical abuse. If you’ve never read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter, then you’re missing one of most powerful works in the history of literature. And if you’re honestly in this fight against the national Homeowners Association scam then you need to read Hawthorne to begin to understand how mean and horrible public shaming really is.

I don’t get too many emails from homeowners in Michigan, but there’s a big HOA controversy in that state right now. A new couple applied to their Livingston HOA to have their home construction plans approved. They were. Then the couple was asked if they could move their proposed home a few feet to save some trees. They did. After spending 200,000 bucks to build their foundation and do the framing they were hit with an HOA lawsuit, claiming they moved their house without permission.

Now the whole neighborhood is torn apart. There’s vandalism, there’s a petition to recall the board. But this new couple will forever live with the shame of having caused all this ruckus.

Shaming. It’s probably the most vicious weapon that HOA Nazis have in their evil arsenal.

(link to Livingston Daily story on the HOA feud in Michigan)


Lots of HOA Media Coverage!

Wow! All of a sudden it seems like HOA media coverage has exploded! A raindrop here and there, and all of a sudden a thunderstorm!

HOA aficionados, lawyers, liars, and HOA organizations that perjure themselves while testifying in State Legislatures continue to complain that true HOA problems are so rare they don’t merit attention. Rare, indeed! The rare HOA is one that DOESN’T have problems.

Get it, folks? HOAs are universally as fascist as they are incompetent. Bullies run for the board. They get elected because homeowners have been bullied into submission and don’t even dare to attend the meeting and vote. Once a bully is in power, the testosterone gets released.

I’m linking to comments on Reddit from people who’ve been screwed by the lawn Nazis in HOAs across America.

(link to readers’ comments on a Reddit post)