Tag Archives: Homeonwers Association

Another Crook Embezzles from Neighbors

I wonder if it’s hard for these people to sleep at night. Stealing from neighbors? The ones you say “hi” to on the street each day? Maybe it’s just me, but I could never get used to the guilt. Your neighbors are trying hard to pay their bills, to put the kids through college, some of them even struggling to pay HOA dues. Other neighbors have lost jobs in this economy, and are wondering where the next bag of groceries are coming from?

Then some runny-nosed, gambling-addicted, coke-head of an HOA treasurer grabs all the neighborhood’s money for a quick run to Vegas.

The latest case involves a Homeowners Association treasurer from the Parkwood HOA In Durham, North Carolina. This yahoo only stole $150,000 to $200,000. This kind of theft doesn’t just happen because the crook is arrogant. It happens because the crook thinks you, the homeowner, are stupid. You’re too dumb to read the annual report. You’re too stupid to suspect a crime. You’ll deny to the bitter end that you were the one who was robbed.

But just try selling your home, Bunky, to another buyer. It’s required by law that you disclose all defects in a property, including whether the HOA treasurer had a blank check to transfer money from your Homeowners Association to the casinos.

That should do something for the offer price on the home you’re selling. After revealing that the HOA is now totally out of money, prepare to lower the asking price of your home by 20 or 30,000 dollars.

You’re a sucker. A sucker for living in a Homeowners Association where trust is the only promise you really get. A sucker for not realizing that governing covenants across the land are so poorly written that thousands of Homeowners Associations are in the same sad shape. Yep, Buddy. Welcome to HOA life. You’re a sucker.

Source: http://www.heraldsun.com/view/full_story/16485899/article-Parkwood-president–Embezzler-took-at-least–150K-from-HOA-?instance=homethirdleft

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Tenth Las Vegas HOA Crook Takes Guilty Plea

The FBI’s HOA investigation continues to fall into place with a tenth guilty plea. Denise Keser is the first suspect to publicly implicate two well-known targets of the federal investigation, attorney Nancy Quon and businessman Leon Benzer who runs a popular nightclub and several construction companies.

Keser pleaded guilty to one county of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. She admitted in federal court that she took part in s scheme to illegally gain control of HOA boards by rigging elections. The phony Homeowners Association boards would then steer construction defect litigation to attorney Quon, who would in turn steer construction work to Benzer’s construction companies.

The FBI investigation is targeting lawyers, judges, cops and more than a dozen Homeowners Associations.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Banning the Boy Scouts! (keep the snot-nosed little beggers out of MY HOA neighborhood!)

You stupid, stupid board members at the West Melbourn Homeowners Association in Florida. You know what you’ve done. You’ve told 4000 Boy Scouts that they may not collect for food donations at Brevard County Homes. for the less fortunate.
The Boy Scouts have collected these donations for years. Now you’ve apparently decided you’re just too good.  You’re just too special, too high class to have to stoop to help those less fortunate.
Shame on you, West Melbourn Homeownes Association.  It’s not just that you’re refusing help feed those with real needs.  It’s that you’re depriving a group of the most wonderful, gentlemenly, most decent young men in America from trying to do their part.  Organizations like the Boy Scouts represent the few good people this country has left. These are the young men who, years from now, will be your doctors, your lawyers, your advisers, your counselors, your friends! They will be the ones defending your country in the military.
I don’t care if you don’t want to donate. That’s your business and I have no criticism for that. But how dare you say the Boy Scouts may not collect emergency relief rations in your Homeowners Association? Are you really that arrogant that you just can’t allow someone to help other people less fortunate than you?
Frank Brunn, President of Hammock Lakes East and West, aren’t you a little ashamed when you turn out the lights at night? Aren’t you just a little conflicted? In your new position of power, you get to start unilaterally throwing scumbags out of the neighborhood, scumbags who just want to take advantage of the wealthy? But Mr. Brunn, the Boy Scouts?  Were you never a Scout? Were you never taught the Boy Scout Motto and the code of ethics?
Mr. Brunn, you’ve demonstrated to your neighbors that you’re not up to the job of making your neighborhood a better place than it was when you took office. That’s sad. But you can still fulfill your moral responsibility by just stepping aside, resigning, and letting some man or woman with a more compassionate heart teach you what the word ‘neighbor’ really is.  It’s actually not really a word. It’s a concept.  It’s a lifestyle.

Another Vegas Crook Bites the Dust

Daniel Solomon pleaded guilty to trying to swindle his neighbors at the Vistana Homeowners Association. He admitted he became a “straw purchaser” in the Vistana HOA so he could direct construction business to his co-consirators. He’s the 9th bad guy to admit to the judge that he’s guilty.

If I were living in an HOA whose value plummeted fifty to sixty to eighty percent because of scandals like this, I’d be mortified. If I knew my condo had ZERO resale value because a bunch of neighbors were skimming property values off the top to slip into their own greedy pockets, I’d be more than furious, I’d take to the streets.

Are you HOA members in Vegas such pastel patsies that you’ll put up with this garbage?  Across the country, the same kinds of scams are happening everywhere. Yet homeowners meekly sit by and whine, “I just don’t really want to get involved.”  Involved?!?!?!?  You’re being cheated. You’re being robbed. You ARE involved!!!  Your retirement savings are being wiped out because some crook down the street wasn’t honest enough to say, “No I don’t want to commit the kind of crime you’re offering me!” You ARE involved.  But where’s your anger?  Where’s your outrage?

My upcoming book, “Neighbors at War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association” addresses the Las Vegas Scandal, but it goes after some of the swindles going on in 300,000 other Homeowners Associations across the country. You will not believe the lives this movement has ruined. You won’t believe the families who’ve been broken apart because some HOA Nazi decides to confiscate a home under the most incredibly minor circumstances.  God Bless you if you live in one of the rare HOAs that haven’t had problems.  But don’t be naive.  You have absolutely no Constitutional rights when it comes to defending your beloved home if you live in an HOA.

I’m thinking of called my second book on the subject “Gutless in Las Vegas“.  It wouldn’t be too far off the mark.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

HOA Reform: Conservative? Liberal? Or Libertarian?

As discussed recently in this forum, it’s mystifying why neither the political left nor the political right has taken a stand on the state of “HOA America.” Sixty million homeowners live in one of the country’s 300,000 Homeowners Associations. The number of HOAs is exploding with government jurisdictions around the country turning over lower government responsibilities to the HOA Movement.

As a private non-profit corporation, a Homeowners Association has incredible power to harass, fine and foreclose. Housing discrimination is still common in many areas. Violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is ongoing. Free speech is restricted, religion is restricted. Due process is rarely, if ever, followed. Almost every one of the protections that Americans think they have in the Bill of Rights is trampled on daily.

Where’s the ACLU? Missing.

Where’s the outcry from conservatives and Consitutional originalists? Non-existent.

With such a large and growing population ending up in these private government corporations, a reasonable observer would think that some political faction ought to grab onto the anti-HOA issue as a cause celebre.

Well, here comes the Texas chapter of Eagle Forum, a very conservative group, with a strong editorial called “Legalized Extortion.”


It’s an excellent look at an industry that passes out equal abuse to homeowners all over the political spectrum.

It took the illegal abuse of a Texas family (Michael and May Clauer) to generate this strong an outcry. But who knows? Maybe the various political factions in the country will wake up and finally recognize that the HOA Movement is helping the U.S. Constitution to pass into irrelevancy.

And that’s not a left or right issue.

It’s an American issue.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association