Tag Archives: Mississippi

About Doggoned Time!

Never, never, never did I think this would ever happen. But the American Civil Liberties Union is finally taking a peek at the fascist practices of a Homeowners Association.

Like many other HOAs across the country, the Diamondhead Property Owners Association in Southern Mississippi forbids political signs and door-to-door campaigning. Suddenly, an ACLU lawyer thinks a de facto government like a Homeowners Association kind of, sort of, maybe, possibly, should recognize that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech and political expression.

HOA board officers like Diamondhead’s president, Marshall Kyger, don’t like the First Amendment, or the Second through the Fourteenth, or any of the rest of those Constitutional thingy-ma-jigs. All that Bill of Rights stuff really restricts the power of HOA board members to act as lawn Nazis.

I’m just not sure the ACLU won’t chicken out.


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