Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

The Way It Should Be Done

There’s no question that someone who intentionally neglects their yard or home should face some kind of justice. The big question repeatedly raised on this blog is where is the appropriate court of discipline? Should it be elected city or county officials whose job it is to maintain zoning codes? Or should it be a gang of angry neighbors who are given the right to fine, lien and foreclose on homes, often personally profiting in the transaction?

Lenoir City, Tennessee undoubtedly has its own share of covenant controlled neighborhoods. But it also has some pretty strong zoning codes, codes which Karen Holloway apparently felt didn’t apply to her. Her yard, of course, was a mess. Admittedly, it took the city too long to act, but when it did Ms. Karen was given a five day jail sentence. She cut loose with all the usual whining, “Not fair!” “Never read my rights or allowed a lawyer!”

Home ownership involves some personal responsibilities, and responsibilities to your neighbors. But Constitutional rights of home ownership involve Due Process and removing self-appointed neighborhood dictators from the equation.

Holloway’s story is linked below, and please come back to this blog to leave your comments.

(link to story on jail time for unmowed lawn)

Another Baffling HOA Embezzlement

Even after a forty year TV News career of reporting on the victims of crime I’ve never succeeded at getting into the heads of white collar criminals, why they do what they do, and why they’re seemingly unconcerned about the emotional and financial damage they do to their victims. They seem to think and act in a language I’ve never understood.

The Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association in Torrington, Connecticut has been socking away money to pay to rebuild roads that were poorly constructed by the original developer. But over a six or seven year term as president and treasurer of the HOA, it appears that 52 year old Roger Okenquist has been socking away money in his own personal account.

Torrington Police say the president/treasurer wrote more than 500 checks to himself, his wife and children, even though the Arbor Ridge HOA doesn’t allow that. How could someone not notice?

Some of these thefts are so old that the statute of limitations has expired. It’s possible that these victimized homeowners are getting exactly what they deserved.

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” -Jefferson

(link to Torrington embezzlement)


Another HOA About to get Burned for Discrimination

The good news is that we’re beginning to hear of more and more cases around the country where the homeowner is winning against the HOA bullies. And one big source of those victories involves a Homeowners Association refusing to admit that it’s interfered with ADA laws. Even if you’re a powerful HOA, don’t try to smack down a federal agency that’s entrusted with protection of the handicapped. Still, the skulls of too many HOA board members and managers are too thick to beat common sense into.

We, here at Neighbors At War, are doing our best to keep the jackhammer fired up.

The latest case involves a family in Gilbert, Arizona, members of the Coronado Ranch Homeowners Assocation. Steven Vroman is confined to a wheelchair. His doctor recommended exercise like swimming. He built a small pool in his backyard, but then discovered that he had to be out of direct sunlight. His disease prevents his body from regulating its own temperature. And that could lead to a stroke. So Vroman put in a shade structure to allow his transition from the home into the pool without being subjected to the hot Arizona sun.

Well, the HOA board members, obviously feeling like they were taken advantage of, decided to put Vroman’s swimming pool project on hold, or as we used to say back in the days of telephone operators, “Put him on terminal hold.”

Month after month went by with no action on the part of the HOA. So Vroman has had to file a federal lawsuit.

A word to the wise at Coronado Ranch. You’re going to lose this one. You’ll spend a fortune in legal fees trying to jack this man around, and the federal courts will declare the whole lot of you to be losers. Total losers. You’ll have to pay Vroman’s legal bills as well. Then, sure as shootin’, you’ll each get his with a special assessment to pay for legal costs, damage awards and who knows what else. And you’ll each be getting a slap-in-the-face that all busy-body neighbors should have to endure.

Spiders Run The Trost Family Off

guest blog by Nila Ridings

This time it’s not the HOA that ran a family out of the neighborhood. It’s 6000 brown recluse spiders.

Brian and Susan Trost purchased their $450,000 dream home in a Saint Louis, Missouri suburb and soon found it had little creepy crawling dangerous poisonous spiders running everywhere. They sued the previous owners, David and Tina Gault and got a settlement of $472,000 but haven’t collected a dime.

They contacted Jamel Sandidge, an expert from the University of Kansas. He determined the spiders did not arrive after the Trost’s purchased the property. They have State Farm Insurance, but no settlement has been given. Based on my experience with State Farm Insurance all I can say is, Good Luck!

Overall, if they end up not buying another HOA house, I think they will live happily ever after. Next time it could be the HOA that bites them. That could be worse than any spider out there.

(link to article spider invasion)


Wilbur Wins!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

I am so happy to share this wonderful news from Rori Halpern. She is the mother who fought long and hard to keep the family’s pot-bellied pig for her sons.

“Long day for all involved. We are beyond elated to say Wilbur Bacone will remain forever in our home, continuing to bring joy and happiness to all. Due to confidentiality agreements between both parties we cannot share details. The only thing that matters is that we can keep our boy without anymore worries. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who came forward in support of us. We love you all.”

It is no surprise that the notorious HOA “gag” order has been placed on the Halpern’s. Typical HOA style when they lose a legal battle. We know in this case they did lose because Wilbur is staying put. I sure hope the judge awarded the Halpern’s reimbursement for their legal bills and punitive damages for their pain and suffering.

Who wants to take a guess at how long it will be before the next HOA sues a homeowner over a pot-bellied pig? My guess: at least one more before the end of the year!

(link to Wilbur’s story)