Just about every time you think it can’t get worse, it does.
The Virginia Legislature is considering a bill that would essentially allow Homeowners Associations to fine homeowners for almost anything, even if those ‘violations’ are not mentioned in the original deed restrictions or CC&Rs.
Wanna fine a homeowner who’s too fat? No problem under this law.
Wanna fine a homeowner with a handicapped kid? No problem. Just guise the fine as one being levied against an ugly resident. Handicapped kids have federal protection. Ugly kids do not.
Of course it all sounds outrageous. But this bill has already passed the Virginia House and is probably headed for further successes in the Senate and Governor’s Mansion.
And what’s a victim of an out-of-control HOA supposed to do? He or she has to hire a legal team and file a lawsuit. They’ll win in court, of course, but only after spending several hundred thousand dollars in legal fees. It’s guaranteed employment for lawyers.
Dear Lord God, where are we headed?
(link to Washington Post story)