A California Homeowners Association, The Lake of the Pines HOA, is up in arms because an old war veteran uses his garage to build furniture for military families who can’t afford to buy their own.
He’s been building and donating the furniture for a decade. He makes no profit at all. But his HOA says he’s not allowed to use any part of his property to cut wood, sand, paint, or screw. (Yes, I know I’m overlooking a fun comment about that last line, but I’m resisting the urge).
But Vietnam war veteran Dennis Kocher is facing fines of 100 to 500 bucks if he doesn’t click his boot heels together and salute these lawn Nazis. Thugs, is what they are. And I’ve got so little patience for thugs.
(link to CBS Local for more details)
Lake of the Pines is located in Nevada County, California north of the town of Auburn, off of Highway 49 at Combie Road. The Association mailing address is:
11665 Lakeshore North
Auburn, CA 95602
Phone: (530) 268-1141
web site: http://www.lop.org
e-mails: adm@lop.org , gm@lop.org
Note that this is the management office, and not necessarily the location of the homes themselves.
The corporation’s registraiton information from the California Secretary of State is:
Fred is a CCAM — Certified Community Association Manager — which is a certification by the California Association of Community Manager (CACM). See http://www.cacm.org/what-we-offer/certification/manager-certification/ccam-certification.html
The CC&Rs are 44 pages long
Their “schedule of fines” is 5 pages long:
It costs $50 to appeal a fine
and they have their own TV Channel:
probably run by former Государственный комитет по телевидению и радиовещанию СССР officials.
Looking at some real estate web sites and internet forums, it appears that the H.O.A. dues are $190 – $200 per month.
According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_of_the_Pines,_California
California owners, please contact your senator (mine is also Gaines) and ask them to vote NO on AB 968, which would transfer costs to owners for whatever the board decides is exclusive use common area. I have contacted Gaines with concerns, and he seems willing to listen. ECHO and CAI are pushing this dangerous bill, but we have a chance to stop it. Please call or email your senator now before the Aug session begins. Thank you.
Thank you, Robert!
You have got to be kidding me! My Hoa allows the neighbors to rebuild cars on their driveways! Gotta love the body shop down the street with all the banging and power tools. But heaven forbid doing work for the needy is slammed. Unbelievable!