Some cracks are appearing in the Iron HOA Curtain. Psychologist Dr. Gary Solomon is making incredible strides in educating the masses. This one is worth sharing with everyone you know:
Child abuse by proxy
Some cracks are appearing in the Iron HOA Curtain. Psychologist Dr. Gary Solomon is making incredible strides in educating the masses. This one is worth sharing with everyone you know:
You can add Vitiligo to the skin diseases caused by prolonged stress in an HOA. I know because I have it and the specialist told me it was caused by prolonged stress and for me to get out of this HOA before it kills me! I am working on it.
Great work Dr. Solomon. We will never know the full negative impact HOAs have had on everyday living, but we know it’s far and wide.
Gary Solomon’s work is brilliant and “the powers that be” should have been listening to the many HOA victims and their families long ago. Look at the entire picture; the horrific homeowner abuses, the emotional and physiological damages, from the stress and then, those HOA homeowners who have been threatened, harassed, death threatened, physically assaulted, stalked, slapped and abused by the systems designed to protect them, but the system, the courts and the court process, is abusing them further, to cover up the crimes of these well connected HOA boards and some attorneys. It is despicable and in places like Monroe County, Pennsylvania and other areas of the country, it appears, HOA homeowners are being driven from their homes by these syndicates of thieves, thugs and bullies, so their homes and equity can be stolen. The victims have no voices and no legitimate agency, or authority (although some states like, PA, have statutes for the AG’s office to intervene but does virtually nothing), and the oversight and enforcement for those abusing and misusing the courts to carry out these crimes is an abomination. The predators and perpetrators of these crimes need to be charged and prosecuted, no matter the locale. Just like in Las Vegas, but they need to be made to rectify their victims. Child abuse by proxy is a real problem in many HOAs across the nation, but too HOAs the way they are and have been over the last 20, or so years are the milieus, that provide for the perpetrators of “The New Domestic Violence,” to be able to do whatever they want, to whomever they want and sometimes there are multiple perpetrators. The victim(s) have only one recourse, they can’t go home!