Tag Archives: condo fees

Growing Impact of HOA Fees

The link below gave me some pause to reflect.

It shows the growing impact of HOA fees on different types of neighborhoods. In recent years, more and more people have been moving away from private family homes into life in a condo. The decrease of available land, the mandate by many large businesses that employees should live closer to the city core, and the relatively lower cost of condo living are among the reasons for the demographic shift.

But knowing what we all know about the false promises of ‘easier living,’ the figures below are a little scary. Living in America is all about choice, isn’t it? But more and more we are all losing our God-given freedom of choice. In addition, we are paying higher and higher fees, fines and special assessments for the privilege of living in an HOA-controlled condo.

(link to growing footprint of HOA fees)