Tag Archives: HOA Nightmare Stories

Pennsylvania Judge Slaps Gay-Bashing HOA

Just about anyone can have a fence around their pool in the Bucktoe Manor Homeowners Association, even without seeking advance permission. Anyone. Except those who are homosexuals.

Two young men requested permission to build a swimming pool and they put up a six foot fence, almost identical to many other fences in the subdivision. Neighbors who filed a lawsuit insisted that the gay couple’s fence would bring down their property values.

The judge issued a biting 18 page opinion that really is worth reading. It’s linked below.

It’s not a swimming pool, a fence, or a gay couple that destroys property values. It’s racism, extreme prejudice and hatred that brings those house prices down.

(link to Southern Chester County Weeklies story)


Some Media Outlets Are Just Beginning to Get It

There are so many layers of dishonesty and corrupt dealing in the HOA business that it’s hard to get a real handle on it. But little by little, some media outlets are beginning to pay attention.

The article linked below is from the Miami Herald. An investigative reporter has ‘discovered’ that many Florida HOAs are breaking state law by charge super high resident application fees. Really? Dishonest HOAs? “Say it ain’t so, Joe.”



Condo Cesspool In Vestavia Hills, Alabama

guest blog by Nila Ridings

“You’re just going to love living here in The Montreat COA!” says the real estate agent. “Well you will if it doesn’t kill you first!” That’s what she should have added to the sales pitch.

Katie Burrowes and her cat are living above the classic condo cesspool and their health seems to be suffering because of it. We’ve all heard about the garbage dump moldy condo, seen pictures, or lived above, below, or beside one. Katie appears to fall in the millennial age group. I shudder to think this living experience may have affected her health for a lifetime. Not to mention her attendance at work has suffered and she’s been paying co-pays for medical care. Her quality of life has been diminished by ‘Condoneumococcalmonia’ and only a moving van can cure it. Actually, she really should burn everything she owns because who knows what has been infested with this nastiness! Grab your cat and run for you life, Katie!

I have some questions for Griffin Tyndall, the attorney for The Montreat COA. Would you have waited this long to step up and take action if Susan Nailen, the condo owner had been six months behind on her COA dues? Did it have to take that knock on your office door from Ronda Robinson, the news anchor and reporter from WBRC Call For Action to open the eyes and ears of The Montreat COA board of directors? Were Ms. Burrowes’ complaints being ignored because the COA wasn’t going to realize a financial gain from her issues?

Readers, this is another case that proves the power of the media! Nobody gave a damn about Katie and her cat until the media stepped in. Now the City of Vestavia Hills, the attorney for the COA, and the board members are jumping into action as they watch Katie’s tail lights disappear down the road!

Hopefully, Ms. Burrowes and her cat will see immediate improvement in their health once they vacate the penthouse above the cesspool. And a personal injury attorney will assist her in getting compensation for her suffering and financial loss in the condo. It’s time to turn the tables on them!

(link to WBRC story on ‘sick’ condo)


Beware, Beware, Beware!

Condo owners in a Cleveland suburb are suing their condo board because it hid the fact that the building needed millions of dollars in repairs. Recent buyers were told nothing about the massive repairs needed to keep the building from collapsing. It’s just another reason why more and more millennials are learning to rent…not own.

(link to expose’ of yet another failed HOA)



I Feel Like A Little Kid!

Retirement can be boring. That’s why I spend so much time on YouTube and other sites. Over a week ago I was researching HOA rules against any and all use of solar energy and came across an amazing device, so amazing I immediately bought one. It’s a solar oven that operates on a vacuum tube principle that concentrates the sun’s rays into a cooking tray.

Every meal I’ve had during the past week has been cooked in this oven. Every meal! It’s tiny, it’s portable, it can get over 500 degrees in the tube but is completely cool to the touch outside. I just started the NutriSystem diet a couple of weeks ago and the NutriSystem meals fit perfectly inside the tray; soup, pizza, veggies, omelettes, all the other good stuff. Yesterday I even made a couple batches of chocolate chip cookies. 26 minutes in the Colorado sunshine and the cookies have an amazing taste and texture. Ugh! Despite my diet, the cookies have mysteriously all vanished.

And despite the oven’s hot temperatures it traps moisture inside the tube. It’s a taste you can’t get in your regular oven. My regular stove and microwave haven’t been used even once! When the national power grid goes down, I’ll be the one down the road eating all the hot meals! And, yes, I’ll leave the door open for you!

I’m so glad my house is outside the ugliness of the two neighboring HOAs. They’d have me thrown in prison, for sure.

Ah yes, a link to the solar oven:

GoSun Stove

I have absolutely no connection to this company, but I love their product!

BTW, if you buy one let me know. I’ve discovered some unrelated products that work perfectly with this device.