Tag Archives: Jews

A change of heart for one HOA President?

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Every once in a while, the unexpected happens.

Remember David Schneider, the former president of McKamy HOA, Dallas, Texas? He was the one who sued a small Jewish congregation and the owners of a home in the HOA, arguing that using the home for Jewish religious services was against HOA restrictions. The local judge dismissed that case about a month ago.

Then the City of Dallas sued the Congregation, citing city requirements to make $200,000 worth of improvements to the property in order to obtain a certificate of occupancy. Without the Certificate of Occupancy, the Congregation faces steep fines, and may be forced to find another location for worship after all.

The following day, someone painted swastikas on the Rabbi’s vehicle and a fence, and that was deeply upsetting to the Rabbi and his followers.

Well, now the HOA, apparently led by Schneider, is offering a $1500 reward to help apprehend those who painted the hateful symbols.

Could it be that Schneider has truly had a change of heart?

(link to story on TheBlaze)