Category Archives: Foreclosures

Trapped In Condo-Prison

I think I’ve linked to this YouTube video before. It’s an oldie but goody, but it’s a perfect example of the kind of corruption that’s rotted out the core of America’s housing structure. Give an HOA member power over her neighbors and homeowners get threatened fined, sued, and stolen from. This board president is in charge of a half million dollar budget, and her husband is a longtime convicted felon. This board even hires a gun-toting felon to enforce its wishes against homeowners.

Whew! If you think you’ve seen it all, then take another look:


Pennsylvania Judge Slaps Gay-Bashing HOA

Just about anyone can have a fence around their pool in the Bucktoe Manor Homeowners Association, even without seeking advance permission. Anyone. Except those who are homosexuals.

Two young men requested permission to build a swimming pool and they put up a six foot fence, almost identical to many other fences in the subdivision. Neighbors who filed a lawsuit insisted that the gay couple’s fence would bring down their property values.

The judge issued a biting 18 page opinion that really is worth reading. It’s linked below.

It’s not a swimming pool, a fence, or a gay couple that destroys property values. It’s racism, extreme prejudice and hatred that brings those house prices down.

(link to Southern Chester County Weeklies story)


NM Homeowners Take-down Their Own Lil’ Hitler

You sure don’t see this kind of thing happen very often. But apparently, a board member in the El Dorado Community Improvement Association is so blinded by her own personal power-lust that just doesn’t get the fact that she’s hated by all her neighbors. She’s torn down political signs on private property, she’s gone after neighbors with backyard chickens, and land-based solar panels. Across the country, petty little people who get elected to HOA boards figure it’s their duty to be the top cop in the neighborhood.

That’s why life in so many Homeowners Associations is rancid.

Board member Claudia Daigle, I know you’re constantly Googling your own name. Google these three words: “Claudia Daigle rancid.”

Have a nice day!

(link to Daigle story in Santa Fe New Mexican)


Fined for Insulting HOA Prez?

Hey! We’re not talking about a very ethical group, here. We’re talking American HOAs.

Yes, you can be fined for insulting an HOA board member. Or even talking to your neighbors about your problems

As you read this story, just remember Baron Acton’s words: “Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

(link to WSVN-TV news story about homeowner who was fined for talking back)




Illegally Booting Cars In The HOA

I’m not sure if I’ve linked to this one before. But it just further demonstrates the general lawlessness when U.S. Constitutional rights are not in control of these dictatorships. This is a pretty good story about Ventana Ranch HOA blatantly violating the law in Albuquerque. Residents ought to be able to financially punish board members and management companies which clearly ‘forget’ their obligations to homeowners.