Yes, it’s the old American Flag dispute again. Across the country homeowners have been winning disputes when the HOA lawyers decide flags are illegal. But states have begun passing laws to keep the HOA lawn Nazis from hassling patriotic homeowners.
The dispute in Forrest Lake Townhouse Association in Texas flag involved veteran Billy Martin. He complained to the board the community flag was looking tattered. They did nothing to improve things so he put up his own flag to display Old Glory.
The HOA began fining him two hundred bucks a day. Two years earlier, after another HOA ordered a homeowner to rip down his flag, the Texas legislature passed a law saying flying the American flag was a right, even in Homeowners Associations.
THE LAW IS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS! So why is this new Homeowners Association challenging the law?
In the story linked below you’ll see a completely frivolous lawsuit and the lengths the lawyers are going to stretch out their case and build up their billable hours.
(click here for Chronicle article)