Tag Archives: condo conversion

Followup to Condo Confiscation

guest blog by Sara Benson

Last night’s post on Neighbors At War referred to a Chicago high rise condo building where many homeowners are about to lose their shirts. Once the developer has control of 75% of the units he can begin to put the remaining owners out of their homes.

The frightening thing is that the American Bankers Association stopped tracking foreclosure rates in condos. We have documented severe erosion of values in condo associations–as high as 77 percent in one building alone where 100 percent of the condos went into foreclosure. The average special assessment in older high rise buildings that were converted in the 1970s and 80s is a whopping $50,000 per door. And we’ve seen some special assessments that high in buildings that were converted in the mid-2000s due to faulty construction. One owner reported a special of $150,000. All this in addition to the “regular” monthly fee.

It’s a nightmare out there.