Tag Archives: HOA officer

How Safe is Your House from Your Homeowners Association?

More than half of all homeowners in North Carolina live in covenant-controlled developments or Homeowner Associations. One of them is Becky Lew-Hobbs. She and her family owned a home in VillageLakes, near Raleigh. Becky admits the family got behind in their dues when her husband was out of work. But they tried hard to come up with the $1,143.89.

Suddenly, they were told they were being evicted from their own home and had FIVE days to pack up and leave. Becky says they were never notified that their house had been seized in a foreclosure action ten months earlier. That $1100 bill cost them their $160,000 home.

Members of Homeowners Associations don’t realize when they buy a dream home in the HOA, they’re not really buying, they’re in effect, leasing. In some ways, it’s like time-sharing. You think you are the sole owner, but you’re actually a partial owner. In an HOA of 100 homes, for example, a resident owns a 99% share of their home. But it’s the one percent that kills you. If you’re late on your dues, if you plant the wrong color flowers, or if you leave the trash can out an hour after the permitted time, 99 of your neighbors, for all intents and purposes, want you GONE! You don’t even get to talk to a judge. There’s no second chance.

Welcome to the new reality of Homeowners Associations.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association


Well, at least it sounded cool, but I didn’t have the guts to say that to my publisher. I actually did want to hold off for a couple of weeks on my new book, Neighbors At War: the Creepy Case Against Your Homeowner Association. With all the embezzlements from HOAs, I’ve got a last minute update I’d like to make. I want to slip into Chapter 14 a $1000 challenge: a reward for the reader who can compile a verified list of the largest number of Homeowner Association embezzlements.

It’s really too tragic to be funny. But the latest case involves Kevin Douglas Harris, an HOA officer who pleaded guilty to embezzling money to buy himself some golf equipment. It’s the Hi Hill Village Homeowners Association in Orion Township, Michigan. Perhaps Kevin felt he was working so hard as treasurer, his neighbors sort of owed him a new set of clubs.

This theft was only for 6000 bucks. But still, don’t HOA homeowners get it? It’s too easy! Embezzling from Home Associations is out of control.

So, if my publisher doesn’t beat me to death with a tire iron first, here’s the deal: compile and verify the longest list of HOA embezzlements in any 365 day period. I’m the sole judge. If you win the money, I get to publish your research in my second book!

If we both do our jobs quickly, maybe our golf club embezzler will be able to read both books while he’s still on parole…that is, if he gets sentenced at all.


Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association