Category Archives: Las Vegas HOA

No Wonder Nevada Officials Are Fighting!


All during the Las Vegas HOA scandal, there were rumors about a judge somehow being involved in the massive scam. Prosecutors have been steadfastly refusing to show public records to the Las Vegas Review Journal. The newspaper sued. Finally some intriguing things are leaking out. The judge is none other than the Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court!

According to the Journal, one of the 43 HOA crooks swore under oath that she got a text from fellow criminal Nancy Quon that Chief Justice Nancy Saitta was warning her the FBI was raiding all the HOAs. It’s crazy how many lawyers were involved in this scam! (Shades of Pennsylvania?)

Is there any question that the Las Vegas Review Journal has had to fight tooth and nail to get this scam uncovered? The prosecutor is still withholding millions of documents. How many more surprises are hidden in all those boxes? Maybe even another top state politician? A few members of the U.S. Attorney’s office? In Nevada you don’t get rich at the tables. You get rich by stealing from homeowners.

BTW, as a lifelong investigative reporter I could probably tell you exactly where this latest leak came from. I’ve used that source many times to get ‘secret’ depositions.

(link to Judge Saitta story in Las Vegas Review Journal)




Las Vegas Review-Journal is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

Finally, I’ve found something written by reporter Jeff German to be dead wrong. You’ll think it’s a minor point, but I think it’s huge. However, I still think it would be a sin not to award this journalist the Pulitzer for his stories on the massive organized crime network that stole more than 60 million dollars from Las Vegas Homeowners.

German will think his error is small, but he might even end up agreeing with me. The misstatement is contained in the fourth paragraph linked below. The story is about the last criminal in the HOA swindle being sentenced to three years in prison after the prosecutor asked for 21 years in prison. More horrible sentencing by a Federal Judge.

German’s misstatement is this line:

“Her sentencing officially ends the largest public corruption case federal authorities have brought in Southern Nevada.”

No, this public corruption case is not officially over because the coverup is still going on. And the cover is being provided by a Federal Judge and US Attorneys who are refusing to let the public see more than ten million pages of documents on the long-running investigation. This is the same judge who is handing out tongue-lashings and feather-light sentences to racketeers who were instrumental in crashing the entire Las Vegas housing market. Tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of Nevada homeowners lost their savings, their confidence or their homes in the 2008 housing meltdown. That was the same time these racketeers were plundering Homeowners Associations across the Valley. That was the same time when stories were wildly circulating that judges and high state officials were involved in the scam.

And now a judge won’t let the public see what kind of information the FBI uncovered?

It’s rather obvious to most observers that 43 people couldn’t steal 60 million dollars. I’d promise to run naked around the Nevada State Legislature at High Noon if those unreleased papers didn’t implicate ten times the number of people convicted.

“Some high state officials and judges might be embarrassed because the secret papers might reveal some bizarre sexual activities by high state officials. It might hurt their families.”  Awwww. There was lots of bribery in the Las Vegas HOA scam. Since the beginning of time one of the most effective forms of bribery is illicit sex.

Going one step further, the taxpayers paid for those ten million pages of documentation. Right or wrong, the public deserves to see them and make their own decision. Who has more rights,  a few hundred high state officials, judges and businessmen who took part in one of the largest racketeering cases and public corruption cases in history? Or the rights of 300 million Americans to oversee  the federal government’s use of tax dollars?

No, this public corruption case will never be ‘officially’ over until a corrupt judiciary recognizes its errors and begins treating the taxpayers with the respect they deserve.

(link to latest Review-Journal story on the last conviction in HOA case)




HOA Scam Lawyer Dies In Prison

Barry Levinson, a disbarred attorney who was one of the top figures in the massive Las Vegas HOA scam, has died while in federal custody. Now his lawyer is planning to sue the prison system for medical negligence.

The federal HOA investigation was the first of its kind in the country. Forty-two people were convicted, but most were given very light sentences. Officially, about 20 million dollars was stolen from residents in Las Vegas HOAs. But because of the collapse in value of all Las Vegas real estate the impact of the HOA scam rises well above 100 million in losses.

(link to Las Vegas Review Journal story on Levinson’s death)

By the way, reporter Jeff German deserves every journalism award in the book for his ongoing and thorough reporting of the Vegas HOA scam.



Benzer Testimony Gets Interesting!

Guns? Organized crime? Fear of winding up in the desert? Major law firms involved? The HOA racketeering trial in Nevada is producing some interesting testimony from witnesses in the scheme to takeover Homeowners Associations across the valley.

This trial continues to be a travesty because 37 of the criminals involved were allowed to plead guilty in order to get lighter sentences. The sentences won’t be announced until after the current trial is over. But I’ll take a reporter’s wild guess that the average sentence for these mobsters won’t be greater than 18 months, with much of that time off for good behavior.

This is the one instance where I’d be all in favor of debtors’ prisons. Keep these animals locked up until every Nevada homeowner is made whole.

That’ll never happen.

I know there are some FBI people who read this blog. Have some guts and start investigating racketeering in HOAs all over the country!

(link to ReviewJournal article on Las Vegas HOA racketeering)


HOA Hall Of Shame Targets Forest Hills

Homeowners in Las Vegas are some of the fortunate few in the country who can monitor the behavior of their HOA boards. But it wouldn’t happen without Darcy Spears, creator of the HOA Hall of Shame report. There’s never a lack of misbehavior among Nevada Homeowners Associations to report on.

The latest is in the Forest Hills Homeowners Association where homeowners have often found their water shut off because of collapsed water pipes. Complain to a board member and they refer you to the management company, H&L Realty, which either refers you back to the board or hangs up on you. If you want that morning shower you have to find a contractor and pay for all the damage yourself. Of course, you have to keep paying those high HOA dues which theoretically are supposed to pay for basic maintenance.

It’s just another in a long, long list of reasons to discard the current HOA system.

(link to Darcy Spears and KTNV’s Hall Of Shame)