Tag Archives: Homeowner Association Board

Whew! Who Did This Work?

Sometimes a blogger should just shut up and pay compliments to the work of others.

My readers have learned over the months that I’m massively angry about how easy it is to embezzle money from Homeowners Associations. And because it’s easy, it happens everywhere. In fact, my upcoming book, “Neighbors at War: the Creepy Case Against Your Homeowner Association”  provides a list of hundreds of HOAs where board members have stolen millions and millions of dollars from their neighbors.  And yes. I do publish names and kick butt.  In fact, the new definition of a Homeowner Association Board may be “five arrogant people running wildly through your retirement savings!”

Yes, that’s hyperbole, but it doesn’t miss the mark by much.

OK, I promised to keep my mouth shut and give somebody else a compliment. So, here it is: Whoever decided to assemble the following list of HOA embezzlements and publish them on the web should be nominated as my “hero of the month.”  Admittedly, I have to grit my teeth and acknowledge that the author of the list may be aligned with the Community Associations Institute, an organization which has raised lots of suspicions about their own honesty and intent. Am I sleeping with the Devil? I hope not.  But here’s their embezzling list. Read it and weep.


Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association