Tag Archives: Home Assoc

HOA Cancels the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution

I’ve long argued that signing HOA documents for all intents and purposes, trashes any rights a homeowner thinks he has under the U.S. Constitution. The Second Amendment says the government may not interfere with the right to keep and bear arms.

But the Pleasant Hill Condominium in the Bay Area thinks it has a better idea than the U.S. Constitution. Guns aren’t politically correct, so anyone with an interest in guns deserves to be tossed into the street.

By way of background, Rico Tedjakusuma requested a home occupation permit for LNC Arms, an online firearms business. He doesn’t sell guns from his apartment. He’ll be federally licensed. His gun purchases will never go through his apartment building, he’ll just serve as a broker between customer and buyer, all on the web. No buyers will ever visit his apartment, he will literally use his apartment for record keeping. But Pleasant Hill Condominiums, which as an HOA has more powers than state government, has decided that it doesn’t like the concept of a gun broker living an apartment in their complex. They want him gone.

In a state that’s on the verge of financial collapse because of Governor Brown’s sudden “discovery” that California is 16 billion dollars in the red, you’d think that California would be begging for entrepreneurs to help turn the state around.  But the PC movement is so much larger than common sense.

attribution: http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_20612245/online-gun-business-based-pleasant-hill-condo-raises

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Watch Out for Young Black Males? Oh, My!

I have not investigated this incident personally, so I can only pass on the link to another blogger’s website. But I have seen rampant racism in a number of other HOAs across the country. In my upcoming book, Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowner Assocation, I trace a number of similar cases that should be of intense concern to anyone who respects the civil rights of all people.

If this story in Houston is even halfway accurate, then all men and women should read and weep:


Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Embezzler Alert!

Shawn Marie Bianco of 109 Georgetowne Court has been arrested in Northern Virginia. Seems she’s accused of embezzling money from a Parent Teachers Organization….says she needed the money to pay her mortgage. She was the president, secretary and treasurer of the PTO.

Oh yes, she was also accused of embezzling money from the Georgetown Court Homeowners Association.  And the beat goes on.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

One More Korean Veteran Tossed on the Trash Heap

Sherman McCray fought for his country in the Korean War.  He worked ever since as a long-haul trucker. He uses a wheelchair to get around.

Somehow, Sherman got about $338 dollars behind on his dues at the Vistas subdivision.  By the time he collected the money and went to pay, the Vistas in Lake County, Florida had a little surprise for him.  No longer was it $338 bucks.  No, once the lawyers, the debt collectors and the HOA late fines and fees kicked in, the amount was raised to $4272.42 and going higher ever day.

McCray can’t believe his neighbors could do that to them.  With his heart attack, his gall bladder removal, and various other charges, McCray thought he could argue the case himself in court.  The Vistas HOA doesn’t mess around when it sees a homeowner drowning.  No, they school up like sharks and slam that house into foreclosure quicker than you blink your eye.

Mary Goldin, president of the Vistas Homeowner Association, didn’t respond to a request to explain.  They never do. They never ever do.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Sneaky, Sneaky Trick in the Foreclosure State

The wise guys in Florida are picking up some sneaky new tricks. Most homeowners who are overdue on their debts to HOAs owe less than $15,000. HOAs aren’t required to notify primary mortgage holders that the homeowner is in arrears on HOA payments.

HOA lawyers tell their clients to file for repayment in county court rather than circuit court. Circuit courts, of course, are working on huge backloads. So the HOAs can get a foreclosure in about half the time by going through county court.  The major lenders suddenly discover the rug’s been whipped out from under them, and the HOA which was owed the smallest debt now gets the entire foreclosed house.

It’s slick. It’s almost foolproof.  And it allowed one person to grab a one million dollar house for just $10,000. Is something wrong with this picture?  Is this kind of sickness really endemic in America?  What have we wrought? What have we wrought?

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association