Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

Arizona HOA Sues Embezzler

Wow! You don’t see stories like this every day. But an HOA management company is being sued by an HOA over a minor little infraction of the law… the embezzlement of 3.4 million dollars.

The Edge at Grayhawk Condo Association in Scottsdale thinks embezzling is a crime. These homeowners pay dues of $300 a month. But they just felt that their money was going down a rat hole. And the rat, they think, is Eagle Property Management.

The cops are looking into the matter, and the company president is refusing to talk to anyone.

With embezzlement from HOAs the largest unreported crime in America, how dare these rich homeowners complain because they got ripped off?

If you live in an HOA, you’re gonna get ripped off.

Live with it.

(link to Arizona embezzlement story)


Community Associations Institute (The Disinformation Institute)

guest blog by George Staropoli

Think in terms of the Third Reich and the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Josef Goebbels in charge.

CAI is the modern incarnation of the Ministry. If, as has happened, CAI goes unopposed with its ongoing propaganda campaign about the grand and glorious benefits of HOAs without even whispering “constitutional violations” or “de facto private governments” who will believe anything is amiss?

What? Those malcontent, troublesome homeowners who don’t know how to live in a community with rules? That handful of trouble makers? They can’t even write decent legislation! Let the CAI lawyer/lobbyists explain the issues to you legislators so you can make better decisions.

Who would you believe?

Over the years CAI in Arizona has been basically silenced in the public media, because I would confront, challenge, and expose their lunacies and false statements whenever I could.

In the 2000 – 2005 time period the CAI repeatedly slandered homeowner advocates. We often heard statements from legislators like, “You’re just trying to get out of a contract.” “You agreed and you should have read your contract.” “Anyone who didn’t read or understand their CC&Rs and signed anyway was really stupid. I wouldn’t do anything like that.” Or even worse, “If you don’t like your HOA, just move out. That’s all!”

This year the Arizona Legislature approved SB 1482 without any questions being raised in committee. The bill was simply voted on and passed. Why? An almost identical bill was passed last year but failed in the courts. Also last year I repeatedly confronted and exposed CAI simply by quoting erroneous statements their lobbyists had made in public. Many legislators began to realize CAI was feeding them bad information. Of course, the previous law was eventually thrown out by the courts because it was fundamentally illegal.

However, CAI lobbyists still walk the halls of the legislatures whispering in each lawmaker’s ear, spreading the same old disinformation. This will never change unless voters contact their legislators and truly educate them on the issues.

More Reason For HOAs To Fear The Southwest Drought

As I’ve said many times on this blog, our nation is facing a massive financial crisis involving a pending collapse of the dollar, with nowhere to hide. All it will take is a tipping point, just a single event. It could involve an investment gone wrong, a weather event, a crisis involving war between two nations anywhere in the world, or some moment where the world fears the stability of the US dollar. Mortgage companies will massively decrease lending for home purchases. And there’s no doubt these same mortgage companies know that the most fragile investments are in Homeowners Associations where property values can become wildly unstable because of misfeasance or malfeasance by HOA officers or managers.

But the science story linked below is one I’d never considered.

(link to drought induced earthquakes)


The HOA War Against Ham Radio

Despite FCC rulings that support amateur radio hobbyists and the installation of ham radio antennas, Homeowners Associations have mightily resisted. Hobbyists have been harrassed, fined, and sued by HOAs which insist that neighborhood covenants don’t have to pay attention to federal law.

But there’s a new bill introduced in Congress which could prove interesting if it gets wide support. Republicans and Democrats are signing on to the bill. Hobbyists are mounting a nationwide campaign to get it passed into law. Of course, the HOA industry is fighting it tooth and nail, claiming such nonsense as “this is a bill that would invalidate all CC&Rs.”

But as our frequent guest blogger and commenter, Deborah Goonan, says, it’s an example of how going federal can bring results.”

Amen to that!

(link to story on amateur radio parity act)


Another Email Scam Warning

Sorry that website operators have to keep warning folks, but the scammers who troll websites like Neighbors At War often send out emails to millions of people. Some are pretty convincing. But watch out for anything from the so-called U.S. Solar Department. It looks official. It’s not. All they want is your credit card number. I suspect our regular readers are a little smarter than the average folks who fall for scams. But you can certainly warn your kids and friends.

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