Pu Pu Platter?
Yep. Another HOA demanding doggie DNA tests. Please follow me to: NeighborsAtWar.com
Yep. Another HOA demanding doggie DNA tests. Please follow me to: NeighborsAtWar.com
A Nevada newspaper predicts 12 indictments next week in the massive HOA scandal.
For details, see my blog at NeighborsAtWar.com
I had an odd phone call from a friend late last year, a few weeks before my book came out. I won’t share too many personal details, but this gentleman is retired, a wonderfully decent man who is well-loved in the community.
But he was next to tears as he said, “Do you know anything about Homeowners Associations?” With what I’ve been through over the past few years, I almost had to laugh. But I asked him to continue.
He told me that he’s lived in his suburban home for the past thirty years and it has never had an HOA. There’s nothing in his original real estate documents and he’s never paid dues to anyone. But he was stunned when someone knocked on the door and said the neighborhood was now represented by a Homeowners Association. The visitor noted a couple of things in my friend’s back yard that were not approved by the new board. One was a back fence that was six or so inches taller than nearby ones. The second was a little white gazebo in the back yard. It was unapproved and had to be removed.
“What do I do?” my friend asked.
For many years this gentleman has conducted weekly Bible studies in his home, not many people, probably just as many as you could fit into a small backyard gazebo. But apparently someone had complained and had called a meeting where a majority of those who showed up voted to reinstitute an HOA that’s been absolutely inactive for the past three decades.
I happen to know this neighborhood. It’s very clean, well-groomed with several dozen tidy one-story, mid-to-upper scale homes. But I also learned that this newly formed HOA is now represented by one of the most powerful, most aggressive HOA law firms in the country. At 70 years old, my friend doesn’t have the resources to go to court.
I do know something else. This gentleman’s Bible studies are going to have to come to a close.
Yep, the national HOA movement has no love for environmentalism of any kind. And this is a real HOA horror story. Please follow my blog to my website, NeighborsAtWar.com
Thank you, Jan Bergemann, for the nice book review of “Neighbors At War! The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association.” Jan was one of the first warriors in this fight against the rogue HOA movement, back when I was too dumb to listen. He runs Cyber Citizens For Justice (CCFJ) and I know he won’t mind me linking back to him. He is a goldmine of information and wisdom on how Americans everywhere are unknowingly losing many of their Constitutional rights.
BTW, I’m migrating most of my blogging efforts over to NeighborsAtWar.com Check it out. Feel free to use & abuse.
Again, thanks Jan! And my very best wishes to you in 2013!