Category Archives: embezzle

Spiders Run The Trost Family Off

guest blog by Nila Ridings

This time it’s not the HOA that ran a family out of the neighborhood. It’s 6000 brown recluse spiders.

Brian and Susan Trost purchased their $450,000 dream home in a Saint Louis, Missouri suburb and soon found it had little creepy crawling dangerous poisonous spiders running everywhere. They sued the previous owners, David and Tina Gault and got a settlement of $472,000 but haven’t collected a dime.

They contacted Jamel Sandidge, an expert from the University of Kansas. He determined the spiders did not arrive after the Trost’s purchased the property. They have State Farm Insurance, but no settlement has been given. Based on my experience with State Farm Insurance all I can say is, Good Luck!

Overall, if they end up not buying another HOA house, I think they will live happily ever after. Next time it could be the HOA that bites them. That could be worse than any spider out there.

(link to article spider invasion)



A Response To Her Recent Attack On Jonathan Friedrich

guest blog by Jonathan Friedrich

Ms Holland presumes she is the ”Queen Bee” of all community managers in the Las Vegas area.

First a few facts about Ms. Holland:

The column that she posts each week in the Review Journal SHE PAYS FOR. She is not a columnist working for the newspaper. If you observe near the very top of the page under the “Real Estate” banner the words “promotional section” are printed. This is another way of saying this is an advertisement!

Ms. Holland has built a successful business through the use of this advertisement tool.Ms. Holland, who is a licensed community manager number CAM.0001049-SUPR, has had numerous complaints filed against her with the Nevada Real Estate Division in the past. Ms. Holland makes a very nice living off the backs of people living in Homeowner Associations.

Ms. Holland’s unprovoked rabid attack on me in her paid column on September 27, 2014 for expressing my “global” view on the Nevada State Supreme Court’s decision only shows her myopic view of HOA life and her own financial well being.

What Ms. Holland fails to realize is the big picture that banks will be very cautious about lending in Nevada. This can translate into higher interest rates or refusal to lend at all!

As a Commissioner on the Common Interest-Community Commission I had a sworn duty to protect ALL of the people of this State and not just the special interest groups. This is what I did and continue to do.

Ms Holland, on the other hand, only has to look after her own special business interests. She is part of an ever growing and controlling industry that is threatening the very fabric of American life and liberty of its citizens.

To quote Ms. Holland “its about time we caught a break.” But it’s the homeowners who really need a break!

Homeowner associations have almost unlimited powers. When you purchase a home or Condo in an association you consent to be “ruled” by a group of individuals known as a “board.” This board decides what your monthly assessment is, how much will be spent on your behalf and on what, what color you can paint the exterior of your home, when you can open your garage door and for how long it can stay open, what plants and flowers you can plant. In short an HOA can and does control your life.

HOAs were created back in the 1960s to keep Blacks, Jews and Asians out of “private” communities. Is this the American way of life? I do not think so.

Oh, Ms. Holland I almost  forgot to mention all of the corruption, embezzlements of funds by board members and or the managers and kickbacks to managers all costing owners millions of dollars a year. Let us not forget the abuse and attacks  against owners who speak up and speak out against board members.

As a Commissioner I witnessed many of these acts first hand.

So Ms. Holland we the homeowners do need a “break”.

Ms. Holland, with her tunnel vision view of the world, owes me an apology. But I don’t expect one from her.


Wilbur Wins!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

I am so happy to share this wonderful news from Rori Halpern. She is the mother who fought long and hard to keep the family’s pot-bellied pig for her sons.

“Long day for all involved. We are beyond elated to say Wilbur Bacone will remain forever in our home, continuing to bring joy and happiness to all. Due to confidentiality agreements between both parties we cannot share details. The only thing that matters is that we can keep our boy without anymore worries. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who came forward in support of us. We love you all.”

It is no surprise that the notorious HOA “gag” order has been placed on the Halpern’s. Typical HOA style when they lose a legal battle. We know in this case they did lose because Wilbur is staying put. I sure hope the judge awarded the Halpern’s reimbursement for their legal bills and punitive damages for their pain and suffering.

Who wants to take a guess at how long it will be before the next HOA sues a homeowner over a pot-bellied pig? My guess: at least one more before the end of the year!

(link to Wilbur’s story)


Candidate For Congress Is Listening!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Over the past week I have been emailing back and forth with Andy Ostrowski. He’s hoping to become the newly elected member of Congress from Pennsylvania. Tuesday, November 4th is the critical day that will decide whether his goal has been achieved. Please get out and vote regardless of what state you live in. If you live in Pennsylvania give your neighbor, church friends, golfing buddies, yoga sisters, or the freshly registered voter from the college campus a ride to the polls!

Somebody out there in HOA Land put a ‘bug’ in Andy’s ear about the abuse and suffering home owners are dealing with in condos and HOAs. He had no idea how bad it really is. He had friends a while back who had problems with their HOA, but that was where his exposure to the insanity stopped. Our emails have ping ponged back and forth and most of you know I don’t candy-coat my words. Andy knows we need a hero. He knows we need a legislator who will work across party lines. And he knows we don’t need any more politicians in bed with the CAI! He gets it!

You’ll find his website at the bottom of this blog.

And now a message from Andy Ostrowski-

Homeowners’ Associations – A Need for Congressional Action

“During my run for Congress, I have met many people with many unique needs for assistance, and government action. None has been as compelling as those Americans who are involved in property ownership in Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs).

I was surprised to learn that some 60 million Americans own property subject to HOAs, and have heard many horrific stories about the abuses that they suffer.

Home ownership – the right to own property, and use it for the purposes of raising a family, and providing solace for all of our private affairs, is a core value in our constitutional republic, and, in many ways, is part and parcel to the “pursuit of happiness.” These HOAs, however, are creating the pursuit of misery.

I have a lot to learn, but have heard enough, and understand enough to know that this is a widespread problem across this country, and something that may require Congressional action to address.

The Community Associations Institute (CAI) is a trade organization that passes itself off as an educational organization designed to promote “professionalism, effective leadership, and responsible citizenship,” but is, in reality, a lobbying group backed by builders and developers, and bent on getting their access to legislators across the county to create a legislative field tilted heavily in their favor – and they have been successful.

HOAs, and their Boards, serve public purposes traditionally reserved for governments, and elected officials, and this reveals one of the true hearts of the problem – there is no accountability to oaths of office to uphold and defend the constitution. People who try to sue these HOAs are told that they are not government entities, and do not have the same responsibilities and duties as do their governments. They are creatures of corporate law, and planned development acts.

Individuals unknowingly give up core constitutional rights to private entities created under the authority of law, and subject themselves to foreclosure actions, fines, forced entries, and evictions without the protections of law otherwise available. It is the lack of accountability that we at least theoretically can demand from our government, through, at the very least, the right to vote, that is the source of the true harm in this area – one that affects the lives of 60 million Americans – this needs to change.

To tie this in with my particular expertise, these HOAs are often then protected by the courts, which are subject to the same crony influences that the legislatures are often subjected to, and is further evidence of how the system is tilted in favor of the big banks, and corporate and monied interests, and away from the rights of the individual.

There are many proposals around among the individuals being hurt and harmed, and I will be studying and considering them all. The AARP, for example, has recently voiced concern that homeowners associations pose a risk to the financial welfare of their members. They have proposed that a homeowners “Bill Of Rights” be adopted by all 50 states to protect seniors from rogue Homeowner Associations. This bill of rights should apply to all homeowners and Constitutional protections should also be restored for a fair and balanced playing field.

The plight of the individuals whose pursuit of happiness is being obstructed, and whose lives are being ruined, is one area that needs specific focus.

This is a true civil rights issue as it involves legislatures across the country enacting laws that cut off constitutional rights, and access to courts for millions of Americans, and I will fight to give government back to the people by fighting for the rights of these individuals.”

Website for Andy Ostrowski for Congress:



Due process? Fugeddaboudit!

guest blog by Robert E. Frank, USAF (Ret.)
      founder, HomeOwnersCoalition.Org & veterans advocate

John Tarlton likes the idea of due process, but seems to think something like 3.4 would be too costly for small organizations. It says: “4. The parties may present witnesses and all witnesses shall be subject to cross-examination by the opposing party and may not, without the consent of all the parties, be present when other witnesses are testifying except for the alleged violator who may be present for the entire hearing and may testify if he or she so chooses.”

Really?? Too costly to ensure fair challenges and cross examination to possibly false statements by someone in the hearing process (including directors, CAMs, etc.) who wish to do possible harm (minor or extreme) to a member? While false statements might be innocently made in board hearings, under no circumstances should they be allowed to stand. Our nation allows rigorous challenges against false witnesses, and justice demands nothing less.

I believe competent association managers and/or volunteer directors can figure out low-cost ways to protect the vital interests of both members and the association without violating something as basic as the “right” to challenge false witnesses and expose “possible criminal violations” by false hearing statements. Regardless, if the rule is worth enforcing, and the member violation is worth charging, the board’s cost of defending the accuracy and appropriateness of the charge is an unavoidable cost.

I say possible criminal violations because the outcome of most board hearings is cash coming out of the pockets of members. Any submitted/accepted false witness statements by anyone in the hearing process could be grounds for various types of common criminal statute violations including theft, extortion, etc.

Having personally seen false claims being accepted by boards against innocent members that resulted in arbitrary/unfair hard cash penalties and sometimes extreme impacts against out-of-favor members, I cannot imagine why industry professionals would tolerate policies for such to be created or allowed to exist in any developer-sponsored CC&Rs. Protection of all due process rights could/should be embedded in every CC&R.

Judgments by HOA/Condo Boards must ALWAYS be seen as done fairly, justly and above board. We professionals must demand nothing less than EQUAL justice for ALL members–not just the favored few.

And, IMO state legislatures are derelict in their duties if they allow CC&Rs to contain provisions where the basic due process protections for all owners and other occupants are not guaranteed.

Individual rights MUST prevail in this nation–EVEN in HOAs and Condos. The majority cannot be allowed to overrule such individual rights to protect property and freedom. It is embarrassing and deeply troubling when so many of the professionals in this HOA/Condo business are able to look the other way and ignore this major flaw in our governance practices.

Since the costs of operations are borne by, and benefit, all members, failing to protect all due process rights for all individuals under CC&R governance rules is indefensible–in my view.

This situation should remind us of Patrick Henry’s passionate demand for liberty or death…. Our personal property rights have been “taken” and we have no choice but to reclaim them for our survivors in the future.