Category Archives: Make it Viral!

Tragic Loss Of Personal Rights

On this blog we rant and rave about the alarming loss of Constitutional rights in our covenant controlled communities. 65 million people have moved into these neighborhoods having no idea how arbitrary and illegal these petty dictatorships can be.

In tonight’s blog and link I’m going to stray way, way over the line and suggest that anyone concerned about the dramatic loss of our 240 year old Constitutional Republic watch a documentary that was published on YouTube a year ago.

As a lifelong journalist, I’m not much of an alarmist. Yes, I watch and read material from the left and the right, the liberal media and the conservative. And I am usually thoughtful as I mull it all over. But I’ve always been more of an observer than an activist.

That being said, somehow I missed the documentary linked below. It pulled material from FOX News, CBS, ABC and various liberal and conservative commentators and sources. It looks at the loss of personal rights over the past ten years. In the name of terrorism a massive bureaucracy has emerged which is doing things that would have been incomprehensible fifteen or twenty years ago. Technology has essentially made privacy and personal rights obsolete.

Be forewarned, if you’re timid this may cost you a few hours of sleep.

(link to documentary on government overreach)


You’re A Brave Man, Greg Chumbley!

You’d think that a prospective homeowner would be allowed to see the community financials when he’s buying a home, especially if it’s in the neighborhood covenants and ingrained in state law. But as I’ve long said, most HOA boards feel they’re above the law. And usually they’re right. Challenge them and they’ll take you to the cleaners.

That’s what’s happening in a developing story in Florida. The Village Walk of Naples has 850 homes behind its private gates. It employs eight people including the ‘town manager.’

When new homeowner Greg Chumbley asked the board of directors to show him the HOA’s financials they basically told him to take a hike. All Chumbley wanted to know is how much of his dues were going to pay for those eight employees.

The board claims that giving the public any record of its expenses might lower property values in the HOA. Really? That’s the kind of thumb-in-mouth attitude that makes a majority of Americans despise those gated communities. With all the tens of thousands of cases of neighborhood embezzlement, bribery and extortion that goes on in HOA Amerika it also raises a whole lot of understandable suspicion. “Light (truth) is the best disinfectant,” said a famous Supreme Court Justice.

Chumbley has now filed a lawsuit demanding that his HOA obey the law. The first hearing is December 1st.

Chumbley is a brave, brave man for a host of reasons. Not only is he “slapping this mule upside the head,” he’s doing it very publicly by releasing his phone number and ‘share button’ on his website.

Greg, you can’t imagine the number of admiring fans you have across the country. Please let us know how your case turns out.

Contact: Greg Chumbley,  239-300-6169

(link to press release on Chumbley’s lawsuit)


Bribes, Kickbacks & Other Forms of HOA Honesty!

It’s not even an open secret that the typical HOA board member and common area maintenance company probably gets kickbacks from vendors. THEY GET KICKBACKS FROM VENDORS! Get over it. Don’t even question it. It’s about as common as worms on a sidewalk after a spring rain.

Since HOAs make their own laws and since government oversight over such things as kickbacks, bribery, extortion and embezzlement is approximately zero this kind of nonsense will continue indefinitely.

Jan Bergemann, one of the heroes of our movement just posted something unbelievable on his website. Actually, it’s not unbelievable. It’s just sad.

Costco Hacking Scam

We keep reading about the international hacking scams but little is said about how and when these cyber-criminals rip you off. Well, here’s one I was able to nip in the bud just tonight.

My first tip was who it was emailed to. The scammers chose a website that I own but is in no way connected to my Costco account.

Second: I’ve never received this kind of refund from this store.

Third: The “view your reward here” address doesn’t look anything like what might come from a major retailer. It’s too long, it doesn’t have any markings that look like Costco. Bottom line? It’s a scam, folks. Your name, your website, your email address and banking information are all in the hands of crooks who buy lists of potential suckers from the hackers. If you click on a link that looks like the one below it automatically installs malware on your computer.

Beware and be aware my friends.


Reward Month: October For: xxxx@xxxxxxxxxx

October 3, 2014 ——————————– Your October Costco Rewards Are Available. To claim your October Rewards, view the link below. Average Reward Balance: $78.52 View your reward here:


Stupid, Stupid HOA Board Members! Just Stupid!

The four board members of the Twin Creek South Estate Homeowners Association may be among the stupidest people on Planet Earth. These knuckle dragging hominids in San Ramon, California might even qualify for the infamous annual “Darwin Award.” Their collective IQ points could easily be totaled up on one hand.

California is in the midst of a drought so bad that smaller communities are now running completely out of water. Many Californians are paying big sums of money for water brought in by truck from other states. Reservoirs are bone dry. Aquifers are drying up or becoming too saline to use. The collective weight of trillions of gallons of missing water has actually caused land along the San Andreas Fault to rise significantly triggering swarms of thousands of mini-earthquakes. The Legislature and Governor have had to enact a law forbidding Homeowners Associations from fining residents who don’t keep their lawns green. More food crops are grown in California than in any other state, but those crops are no longer being shipped to the nation’s grocery stores. That’s why you’re seeing record prices on store shelves across the country.

Yet the Twin Creek South HOA board members have the unmitigated gall to assess monthly fines against a homeowner who tried to create a drought resistant lawn.

When a KGO-ABC news crew tried to talk to these board members they refused to comment.

Of course they did. They’re too stupid to put three words together in a coherent sentence.

“Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” -Robert A. Heinlein

(link to KGO news story on HOA fines)