Tragic Loss Of Personal Rights
On this blog we rant and rave about the alarming loss of Constitutional rights in our covenant controlled communities. 65 million people have moved into these neighborhoods having no idea how arbitrary and illegal these petty dictatorships can be.
In tonight’s blog and link I’m going to stray way, way over the line and suggest that anyone concerned about the dramatic loss of our 240 year old Constitutional Republic watch a documentary that was published on YouTube a year ago.
As a lifelong journalist, I’m not much of an alarmist. Yes, I watch and read material from the left and the right, the liberal media and the conservative. And I am usually thoughtful as I mull it all over. But I’ve always been more of an observer than an activist.
That being said, somehow I missed the documentary linked below. It pulled material from FOX News, CBS, ABC and various liberal and conservative commentators and sources. It looks at the loss of personal rights over the past ten years. In the name of terrorism a massive bureaucracy has emerged which is doing things that would have been incomprehensible fifteen or twenty years ago. Technology has essentially made privacy and personal rights obsolete.
Be forewarned, if you’re timid this may cost you a few hours of sleep.
(link to documentary on government overreach)