Tag Archives: George Zimmerman

Here Come the HOA Lawsuits

As predicted in this blog, the Homeowner’s Association Movement is going to die a long painful death, taking down with it the fortunes, the home equities, the retirement savings of a whole lot of innocent people. On second thought, perhaps the word “innocent” is being too innocently thrown around, here, because most people living in HOAs know that they’ve allowed board officers to become little nazis as they patrol the neighborhood for violations. If you know about a problem, and you allow it to grow, lawyers are going to be digging deep… into your deep pockets.

There was never any question that Trayvon Martin’s family was going to sue George Zimmerman AND his HOA for permitting Zimmerman to patrol his neighborhood with a gun.

Now, there’s word of another gun incident: a 65 year HOA president in the upscale John’s Cove community in Orange County. “Upscale,” by the way means “soon to be downscale” as soon as the lawsuits are filed.

This HOA president is Michael Hudzik, who yells and curses at people as they drive to fast out of the gated community. Yelling and cursing wasn’t enough for one dad and his son who were planning on going jet skiing. This time Hudzik pulled a gun and ordered the dad and his son out of their car.

Neighbors won’t talk to the media. They fear retaliation from Hudzik. Well, neighbors, you elected this guy. Now, you may as well get out your checkbooks because your negligence is going to cost you a bundle.

While we’re on the subject of negligence, how about The Ole at Lely Resort in East Naples, Florida? Their bylaws they say that children under 18 are not allowed to play outside!  Really!  Isn’t there a federal law against that? And wouldn’t you think lawyers are now patrolling the streets looking for potential clients?

Finally, there’s the taxpaying veteran in the Sweetwater HOA in Jacksonville, Florida. His HOA has been fining him daily for displaying an American flag outside his door…exactly the kind of behavior that someone named “Bush” signed into law not too long ago. There’s a legal settlement in the wind. But somebody’s going to have his pound of flesh from that HOA.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Trayvon and Zimmerman: Some Reporters “Get It”

Not many reporters understand how dangerous Homeowner Associations are. It took the death of Trayvon Martin, but Mary Shanklin of the Orlando Sentinel showed she “gets it.”

Her story of March 29, 2012 is about the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. That’s where Trayvon Martin died, allegedly at the hands of HOA crime-watch captain George Zimmerman.

Understand that this blogger has absolutely no opinion about who’s guilty or innocent in Trayvon’s death. But I do have some observations based on forty years of experience covering the courts.

Lawyers are schooling around this case like sharks on a whale carcass. Lawsuits are going to be filed by both Trayvon Martin’s family and by George Zimmerman. Whichever lawyer gets involved in the case will become a millionaire whether he wins or loses. And who are the ones who’ll have to come up with all those millions? The 200 townhome owners at The Retreat at Twin Lakes.

They all bought homes at The Retreat, thinking they were buying their way into a bit of financial safety. Many of them are elderly and they figured this Homeowner’s Association would protect their retirement savings forever. Well, welcome to the American System of Civil Justice.

Each and every one of these homeowners signed documents that essentially pooled all of their equity, all of their retirement savings into a common pot. They may even have bought insurance to indemnify their HOA against frivolous lawsuits. But all those insurance policies have limits, and this is one limit that’s going to be exceeded by millions of dollars.

It doesn’t matter who wins or loses the various lawsuits. The finances of these HOA members are going to be shredded. By joining an HOA, each of these homeowners created a “deep pocket,” and deep pockets are like rotting meat. They attract flies.

No homeowner can move out of this nightmare. These HOA members have handcuffed themselves together forever. It’ll take two or three years. But check back with me to see if my prediction comes true.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association