Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Totally Unrelated to HOAs, But Still Ticks Me Off!

HOAs raise my blood pressure. But this story really hit hard. A 14 year old budding genius named Ahmed took an invention of his to school. It was a digital clock he made as an experiment. But something caused school officials to think he’d made a bomb and they called police. Ahmed was handcuffed and led away in front of schoolmates while the bomb squad dissected his science experiment.

I’m no science genius, but in 8th grade some 50 years ago I built a robot which I took to school. It was a three or four foot long ‘monster’ that I covered with a red bedspread and maneuvered down the school hallways. It looked for all the world like a huge stupid-looking lady bug. It even had eye holes and when fellow students looked down the eye holes the ‘bug’ spit ping pong balls at them. For that stunt I should have been arrested. But instead I got a science fair award.

Ahmed? Unlike me, this kid is going places in science. The school officials who had him arrested should have to spend a little jail time themselves. Shame on any system that rewards sloth and damages those who really try to make something of themselves.

(link to story on Ahmed’s arrest)


Chaos Reigns

Imagine living in the Vista Lago HOA in Orlando, Florida. What a nightmare. Two property managers claiming to be the legitimate ones, have hired and fired each other and filed liens against dozens of homeowners for unpaid dues. Many of those homeowners have been paying double and triple the dues and fines just for fear of losing their homes to whichever manager ends up winning the power struggle.

It’s hard to imagine the kind of unnecessary stress these homeowners are suffering.

(link to WFTV news story on the madness in Vista Lago Homeowners Association)


Another Big Danger Of HOA Life

Suppose you’re an older couple planning on the peaceful retirement life in a maintenance-free neighborhood. You take your entire nest egg and pay off the mortgage. Your new townhome, condo or single family residence is now yours….forever.

Oopsie! You learn that a developer wants to tear the whole thing down and build something new. You don’t want to move from your retirement home, but the developer gets a ‘majority’ of the residents to take his low ball offer to clear out. Not you. You want him to pay you fair market value. But because a ‘majority’ of your neighbors have moved out, what’s your fair market value now? It’s a heck-of-a-low lower than the others were paid. In fact, your quarter million dollar retirement home is worth ten cents on the dollar. Now the developer can get  you tossed out by the courts and pay you nothing.

Think it can’t happen?

(yes, it can happen…it happens all over)



Most Beautiful HOA In The World!!!

With your permission, I’d like to take you on a video tour of what has to be the most gorgeous Homeowners Association in the world. The views are spectacular, tourists come from around the world to see it. The people get along with each other, no arguments, no liens, no lawsuits, no angry homeowners carrying guns into board meetings and mowing down board members. No lawyers, it’s Heaven on Earth.

Oh, a few things I should mention: the air and water are pretty polluted, in fact, one of the most polluted on Earth. The people are dirt poor, medical care is almost non-existent, but there’s virtually no auto traffic. Ah, and I should mention that the government is Communist China. Communism, where the whole American HOA movement is heading. Communism puts the commune in community. Still, enjoy the video.


Down With Political Correctness!

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time you know that I despise political correctness. The PC movement is very similar to a viral infection. It has no predictable course, it can break out anywhere and cause untold damage to society and it can totally undermine the rule of law.

Obviously some kinds of speech and some words are offensive. But choosing not to use such language is a matter of class, decency and education. Declaring a word du jour as an illegal word is dangerous. As Saul Alinsky said, “Whoever controls the verbiage controls the debate.” And that can put power into the hands of some very bad people. Adolph Hitler controlled the verbiage. We all know how that one turned out. Fifty million people dead. Stalin controlled the verbiage. Twenty million more dead.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is currently under the kinds of attacks that nobody could have ever envisioned. It’s the amendment that makes us all uniquely American. And it’s being disassembled block by block just like a pile of Lincoln Logs.

The Washington Post editorial linked below is an important one to study. Who would have ever predicted that use of the word, “American” could be considered offensive and outlawed from the lawbooks?

(link to Washington Post column about the dangers of political correctness)