Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Another Texas Outrage Against Handicapped

Maybe it’s my one-time Texas roots, but I just keep thinking, “Aren’t Texans smarter than this? How can they keep bashing the handicapped? Don’t they know that breaking federal law can be horribly expensive?”

But Texas HOA board members just keep doing what board members do best; their very worst.

Here’s another HOA kicking around a blind guy. He bought his home because it was just a few steps to the bus. The HOA built a fence that now requires this man to walk a mile to reach the bus stop. The blind fellow, by the way, is a lawyer. 

This is a no-brainer lawsuit, which of course will lead to special assessments against all the homeowners.

(click here for KXAN-TV news story)


YEAH! HUD vs. Las Vegas HOA!

guest blog by Nila Ridings
Life is very different for those who have a severe handicap or live with someone who does. Social events are rarely, if ever, attended.  Most outings are spent at a medical office or hospital.  Transportation is restricted to a specialized vehicle that comes with a hefty price tag.  And vacations are nearly out of the question. 
Above all, these families deserve compassion and kindness.  But all too often, life in an HOA shows us how cold-hearted, selfish, and ridiculous some people can be towards others.  
At nineteen years old Eric Doyle has suffered 500 bone fractures due to a disease over which he has no control.  He can’t go out dancing or downhill skiing like others his age. But because his parents purchased an ambulance for his transportation he can occasionally go to the movie theater or to a BBQ dinner.  
But Eric and his family had to go through a nightmare of threatening letters, fines, and a battle with the Harbor Cove Homeowners Association in Las Vegas and their First Columbia Community Management, Inc. property manager.  Listen to this!  They demanded he re-paint the ambulance and remove the lights because that’s what THEY wanted in order to keep their perfect little HOA in pristine condition.  You know, so the property values don’t go down. HA!
Harbor Cove Homeowners, welcome to decreased property values with your $65,000 settlement to Eric Doyle and all the media exposure that comes with it!  Keep your noses in the air and your hearts on dry ice.  But never forget the day could come when life isn’t perfect for you either!
Kick ’em harder must be the motto in the HOA and property management rule book when they know somebody can’t stand up and fight back! And threaten them with fines, liens, and lawsuits until you bankrupt them or run them out through your golden gates.
Readers, we must never stop fighting against these injustices!  We are better people with bigger hearts than to let others be hurt like this.
The Doyle family has now moved to a non-HOA community with the $65,000 check in their hand. I wish them the very best in their HOA-free life! 

Senator Carona and the Loan Star State

I’ve linked to this story before, but exposing this kind of person never gets old.

John Carona owns and runs Associa, the largest HOA management firm in the country. Many homeowners have bought into his neighborhoods and long regretted that decision. It’s tough to understand why Texans keep putting him in office.

This politician and his questionable business tactics need to be exposed at every opportunity.

(click here for link to Texas Tribune story)


Totally Inappropriate, but Absolutely Hilarious! (rated ‘R’)

Not everything on this website has to be related to Homeowners Associations. Sometimes, we wander far afield of our intended topic. But when a construction project just defies the imagination, we have to take note.

The Christian Science Church in Dixon, Illinois is a gorgeous building from the street level. But Google Earth shows the building projects a completely different image than the church had originally intended.

Is it possible this architect had some kind of ulterior motive in designing a church building? Does an architect come up with this design just by cosmic accident?

Just wondering.

Lawsuits, anyone?

(click here for Google Earth photo)

(click here for Church’s response!)


A Word of Appreciation

I get many emails from folks who’ve discovered my book, Neighbors at War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association. All of them have been heartwarming and appreciated. Many have been written since the Kindle version came out a couple of months ago. And what really helps is the amazing number of positive reviews you’ve given my book on Amazon. Every time a new positive review comes out, I see book sales rise.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, review and refer my book to others. And thank you for your newly aroused activism in your own neighborhoods. In Kansas City, Las Vegas, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida and Texas, I see homeowners actually winning. We desperately need to keep reclaiming the Constitutional rights we’ve lost to the HOA movement. Every time I hear your horror stories it raises my ire, and doubles my determination to keep fighting. But it’s your victory stories which are the most encouragement to me.

Again, thank you.

Ward Lucas