Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

The Sagas of Smith and Jones

guest blog by Norman McCullough, who lives in Henderson, Nevada


Homeowner Smith – (Not living under a Home Owner Association.) 

Mr Smith is a senior citizen who purchased a new home. Being a prudent and forward thinking man, Mr Smith plans to repaint his home in ten years. He knows Nevada weather can be harsh. He estimates the future cost at $2,500 and he sets aside $250 every year for the project. In ten years Mr Smith accumulates the $2,500 needed to get the job done. To his good fortune he finds a company that’s willing to do the job for only $1,750, leaving Mr Smith with $750 to spend on his wife and children. He is rewarded for diligently taking care of his property.

Now take the case of Mr. Jones. 

Mr. Jones (also a senior), belongs to a Homeowner Association that has been investigated by the Federal Government. It seems the board has been stashing away money from excess dues collections and not returning it to the members as required by federal law. A portion of his dues was used to pay the fine imposed by the I.R.S.

Jones is one of 162 homeowners who have also set aside the required $2,500 to paint their homes. Mr. Jones, too, has discovered that only $1,750 is needed to paint each of the 162 homes.

Now do the math. A logical assumption would be that the board would return the excess funds ($2,500 – $1,750= $750) to each of the 162 HOA members who paid the excess dues. But assume that and you would be dead wrong. You see, this board knows the excess funds in a non-profit corporation might raise suspicion at the Internal Revenue Service. So the Association board comes up with a wily plan to avoid revealing the existence of any excess funds.

The board magically ‘shrinks’ the actual size of all the homes in the neighborhood! No kidding! To avoid returning the excess money to the homeowners, 149,850 square feet of stucco surface needing paint has suddenly vanished from the records. Also gone is all the money set aside to do the painting. The Association has effectively robbed the 162 homeowners of the $750 overpayment and then covered up the deception with some weird math. Mr. Jones will not get the $750 returned to him.

When a family buys a home in an HOA and they sign the Contract they are literally giving up many of their constitutional rights, specifically the right to go to court. Not only does the HOA dictate what color your house should be, but more often than not the board abuses the laws that are supposed to protect the consumer from fraud. 

By the way, I am one of the 162 homeowners who live in one of the homes that suddenly shrank. And I’ve done the math.


Celebrity Joan Rivers, Condo Board President, And A Courtroom Showdown Coming Soon!

guest blog by Nila Ridings 

Elizabeth Hazan, how do we thank you?  Ordinary people have been fighting, feuding, suing, and slugging it out in courtrooms across America because of HOA and Condo Association problems and bullies on the board.  You have now raised it to the celebrity level where more exposure will be given to the nightmares that exist in HOAs.
The accusations: Ripped wires and glued door locks.  Denied access to Ms. Hazan.  A claim that she hasn’t paid her condo dues.  Could this be a breach of contract on the part of the condo association?  Or is it a cat fight between two women with plenty of money who have chosen to beat each other up in the courtroom?
A court date in November.  A courtroom in New York City.  How I wish I could be there to watch this one!

How Can We React?

It has dawned on me several times over the past few years that HOA outrages are most often reversed when a rogue HOA gets a ton of phone calls and email from angry people across the country. If you know that you, as a board officer or manager, are being watched by the whole country, you might be a little less rotten to your neighbor. In a well publicized case where an HOA official’s viciousness is widely publicized, would that official be more willing to step back and mull over the action he or she is planning to take? Certainly, when you lift up a big rock the vermin tend to scatter in the light of day.

We currently have more than 31,000 people regularly reading this blog. That means an army of folks in every state. Should we begin publicizing home phone numbers, HOA phone numbers, email addresses and management phone numbers whenever we hear of the actions of a rogue HOA board?

I’d like to hear your thoughts publicly or privately. And if we ever began such a policy it would require your help to look up and verify any numbers or addresses of those we publicize.

Your thoughts?

Dont’cha Just Love Our Legal System?

The American legal system is the best, we’re told. Point out one that’s any better!

Well, I could certainly point out a number of other legal systems where the tort industry isn’t so rampantly out of control. The impossible cost of paying for medical malpractice suits, for example, has persuaded a lot of doctors to get out of their chosen profession. And it could very well be a driving force behind the move to Obamacare, a program which current polls say has only 12 percent support of the American public.

Ultimately, though, HOA tort lawyers are destined to kill the “goose with the golden eggs.” Rampant embezzling, harassment lawsuits and foreclosures can only lead to one thing: Mortgage companies will stop lending to homeowners in HOA Amerika. If U.S. Bank, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo are paying attention they’ll discover that loans are riskier inside Homeowners Associations. They’ll find that property values are not protected in the typical HOA. When that happens a lot of high-priced HOA lawyers are going to be looking for jobs at the local 7/11.

One can only hope.

Ugliness Over Wittenberg Decision

The knives are out for homeowners in California after the historic Wittenberg v. Beachwalk court decision. The Court of Appeals ruled that Homeowners Associations MUST PROVIDE equal access to all means of communication if an HOA takes any kind of advocacy position for a board candidate or change in HOA rules. After 24 of California’s top HOA law firms pleaded with the courts, they were set back on their heels. The Court of Appeals essentially told the law firms to ‘get lost.’

But don’t think for a moment these out-of-control boards will take it sitting down. These ruling elite make hundreds of millions of dollars a year in legal fees for fining and suing homeowners over such incredibly petty things as parking a car on the driveway ten minutes after the mandated deadline.

A number of HOA boards and websites are now referring to homeowners as ‘dissidents’! In other words, if you want to run for a board position, or you want to stop your board from making outrageous tyrannical decisions, you’re a dissident. If you remind a board that it’s in violation of the law established by Wittenberg, you’re a dissident. If you just want to be left alone, you’re just a lowly dissident.


There’s no other word to describe these rogue boards.

Sadly, Wittenberg doesn’t create a precedent for the 49 other states. But it does create a wonderful roadmap.

(click here for Wittenberg decision)