Tag Archives: HOA Hell

Dark Clouds Over Saddlewood Downs

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Homeowners are frustrated and tension is high in this Kansas HOA. One of the residents asked me to speak to a large group of homeowners with hopes of shedding some light on how HOAs are structured and lawsuits are financed.

The history of this HOA started with a developer that went broke. Sigh. Yes, another one. Residents claim the CC&Rs state between 1 and 15 people must serve on the BOD. For now they have 5, but until this meeting most of the homeowners had no idea who and how many people are serving on the board. For the most part, the HOA has been dormant for several years. It suddenly erupted back to life with the filing of a lawsuit.

The lawsuit was filed over a homeowner constructing a cover over their deck. According to the homeowner, 52 attempts were made by phone or email to the property manager seeking the architectural control approval. Not one response was received. The homeowner had no clue who the board members were and finally gave up seeking approval. There are several other deck covers in the neighborhood so the precedent was already set.

Homeowners were telling me they had been assured by the board that the defendants would be paying for all of the HOA’s legal bills. I hated to burst their bubble, but the Kansas Uniform Common Interest Owners Bill of Rights Act has a provision for recovery of legal expenses for the homeowner. Somewhere between the deck cover construction and the lawsuit the property management company was eighty-six. The HOA board president claims no records were left behind. How can he be so gung-ho to sue a homeowner with no records to prove their deck cover was neither approved nor denied? And there are no board meeting minutes to indicate a discussion ever took place regarding the deck cover and the vote? Fortunately, the homeowner does have documentation. I’ve sat through a number of HOA legal battles. This is one where I’m predicting the homeowners will prevail. Especially since they’ll probably add deceptive practices to their petition. Did I mention they have already been through a failed mediation?

$22,000 is the annual intake from dues. The swimming pool was never built so the money is spent on mowing some common ground, insurance, and a monument at the entrance. One homeowner asked why the dues did not go down when they stopped paying $4,000 per year for the property manager. That was an excellent question that met with no answer. Those familiar with HOA litigation know $22,000 is a drop in the bucket in an HOA legal battle.

The board president is the only person with access to the bank accounts and he has a publicly-documented history of financial problems. He played the “just a volunteer” card yet refuses to accept the signed petitions that were done to initiate a board recall. He demonstrates the classic ‘bully board’ behavior. He has written vulgar and condescending postings on a public website about one of the women that took the initiative to start investigating. His open discussion and admission of selective enforcement on violations sent shock waves through me. The longer he talked the more red flags I saw. After the meeting, I offered to talk with him privately. He sternly refused stating, “NO! I do not believe one word of what you said tonight!” That’s too bad because I was willing to try and save him the embarrassment that awaits him in the courtroom when the judge smacks him down and sends him back to tell his neighbors they need to get out their checkbooks because the lawsuit was not reported to the insurance company.

Rogue board members. We’ve read about them. We’ve known them. Lest we ever forget every HOA is just one vote away from putting a rogue homeowner on the board and suddenly life becomes a living hell. In this case, the rogue board member was not elected but appointed to the board.

There were some very professional and articulate people at the meeting who truly wanted to learn about HOAs. I hope they either take control of the board or sell and run before their property values start to sink!

Announcing BIG NEWS! The HOAX!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Drum roll please!!!!After years of waiting….THE HOAX will be available online for all the world to see! Directed by Rodney Gray, this film is a documentary about HOAs. Starting 6 June 2016 for one week twenty-four hours per day from the comfort of your home, cabin, camper, or while on the bus, train, or plane viewers can see it all! This is one movie you do not want to miss!

How many thousands of times have we heard, “SOMEBODY SHOULD MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT THESE CRAZY HOAs?!?! Rodney has entered this film into film festivals across America. He’s never given up on trying to get the word out about HOAs. He’s a true ‘fight to the finish’ warrior. Perhaps his time in the United States Marine Corps played a role in his tenacity, determination, and perseverance? Whatever it took to create this production is far more than most of us could imagine.

Congratulations, Rodney Gray!

Click on the the link below for instructions on how to watch the movie starting 6/6/16. Scroll down to #20-THE HOAX


Condo Cesspool In Vestavia Hills, Alabama

guest blog by Nila Ridings

“You’re just going to love living here in The Montreat COA!” says the real estate agent. “Well you will if it doesn’t kill you first!” That’s what she should have added to the sales pitch.

Katie Burrowes and her cat are living above the classic condo cesspool and their health seems to be suffering because of it. We’ve all heard about the garbage dump moldy condo, seen pictures, or lived above, below, or beside one. Katie appears to fall in the millennial age group. I shudder to think this living experience may have affected her health for a lifetime. Not to mention her attendance at work has suffered and she’s been paying co-pays for medical care. Her quality of life has been diminished by ‘Condoneumococcalmonia’ and only a moving van can cure it. Actually, she really should burn everything she owns because who knows what has been infested with this nastiness! Grab your cat and run for you life, Katie!

I have some questions for Griffin Tyndall, the attorney for The Montreat COA. Would you have waited this long to step up and take action if Susan Nailen, the condo owner had been six months behind on her COA dues? Did it have to take that knock on your office door from Ronda Robinson, the news anchor and reporter from WBRC Call For Action to open the eyes and ears of The Montreat COA board of directors? Were Ms. Burrowes’ complaints being ignored because the COA wasn’t going to realize a financial gain from her issues?

Readers, this is another case that proves the power of the media! Nobody gave a damn about Katie and her cat until the media stepped in. Now the City of Vestavia Hills, the attorney for the COA, and the board members are jumping into action as they watch Katie’s tail lights disappear down the road!

Hopefully, Ms. Burrowes and her cat will see immediate improvement in their health once they vacate the penthouse above the cesspool. And a personal injury attorney will assist her in getting compensation for her suffering and financial loss in the condo. It’s time to turn the tables on them!

(link to WBRC story on ‘sick’ condo)


NYPD Employee Steals $366,380 From Woodbrooke Estates HOA

guest blog by Nila Ridings

One would think a guy that worked in the evidence and property room of the NYPD as a control specialist would have a high level of integrity. Nope. Wrong. Danny Juliano was the president of Woodbrooke Estates HOA in Staten Island and convinced the board members he was getting a cheaper price on pool supplies over in New Jersey so they handed him the cash to make those purchases.

I don’t know about the readers of this blog, but I’d be questioning the need for $366,380 worth of pool supplies since October of 2011. I’d also be asking for receipts. 629 condo and townhouse owners just took a financial beating because their HOA board members were sleeping on the job!

Now, let’s sit back and watch to see what the NYPD will do to one of their own. Will he get community service? Will he be fired from his job? Will he go to jail? Will the homeowners ever see a dime of their stolen money again?

He was ordered to turn over his passport so possibly he will not set sail in his new yacht!

(link to story on Staten Island embezzlement)


HOA Fines Marine Veteran For Decals

This kind of thing has happened before. HOAs are no big fans of war heroes. It’s hard to imagine. But many HOAs across the country don’t like the American flag being flown. They don’t like displays of patriotism. Actually, it does make sense in a perverse sort of way. HOAs are basically fascist organizations, many of them run by control freaks.

But click on the picture below to see and hear the story of Frank Larison who’s being fined $50 a day because he has Marine decals on his car. Just remember the Woodlands II On The Creek Homeowners Association in Dallas. HOA board president Dorenda Hardy signed the letter. She should be ashamed. And any prospective home buyer in Texas should avoid this neighborhood like the plague.
