Tag Archives: Las Vegas HOA


At long last a Texas HOA is getting some much-deserved attention. Sadly, it took a homeowners lawsuit to get the ball rolling.
Folks in the Sunchase HOA in Northeast Austin are wondering where a million bucks went. It just kind of wandered off someplace. It’s illegal for a Texas HOA not to have regular audits of their books. Of course, it’s also illegal to filch a million bucks, IF that’s what happened. And Sunchase hasn’t had an audit for at least five years.

The property manager, Nancy Thompson keeps the HOA’s money in several different banks. But for some reason, she won’t let board members or homeowners see any of her bank statements. Board members are also question why Thompson was given thousands of dollars in bonuses. Austin Police are sniffing around. Between them and the lawyers, we may see some future news stories.

Good reporting by Chris Willis of KXAN.


I’m in Love with Darcy Spears!

Darcy, you have done it again! You have located and exposed one of the worst HOA presidents in the country. I sincerely hope you’re winning a whole series of Emmy Awards for your HOA Hall of Shame feature on KTNV-TV in Las Vegas. Since I retired from the TV business four years ago I don’t have a chance to go back and emulate your reporting. But dang! Keep it up, girl!

For those not familiar with Darcy’s work, you owe it to yourselves to click on the link below. With perfect manners and charm, she picks out these slugs and losers and shows the world what life in an HOA can become. With the rampant organized corruption in Las Vegas homeowner associations, with the suicides that really don’t look like suicides, with the numbers of people who’ve seen their home values plummet up to 90%, you’ve gotta believe there’s a lot more subject matter for the HOA Hall of Shame series.

The FBI investigation in Las Vegas is going far too slowly. The FBI usually moves with lightning speed, but for some reason this investigation is just dragging. Maybe some of you Vegas homeowners who’ve lost your shirts to the Quon/Amesbury organized crime ring ought to be turning up the heat. Where are the judges and state legislators who were supposed to be indicted? How high up the political ladder does this corruption go?

Finally, when is the FBI going to take its new knowledge of HOA corruption and start hitting other cities? There’s not a city in the country that’s immune from the kind of crookedness the feds have uncovered in Las Vegas. Embezzlement, rampant racism, bribery, fixed court cases, theft, animal poisoning, vandalism, laundered money, death threats, murder: every one of those crimes is going on across America as gated neighborhoods continue to fester.

Now that the Internet has become the “Fifth Estate,” news about this scandal is finally leaking past the traditional media and making its way out to the public. Skeptical? That’s OK, I like skeptics. But just start Googling and the number of HOA crimes might begin to look a little scary to you.

By the way, here’s Darcy’s link:


Question: How Corrupt can a Las Vegas HOA System Get? Answer: How Wild is your Imagination?

Another Las Vegas Police Captain has agreed to take a guilty plea in the massive federal investigation of crooked Homeowner Associations. Captain Frank Sutton admits he’s guilty in a massive fraud scheme to stack the boards of Homeowner Associations so they could steer legal work and construction defect contracts and litigation to a group of Las Vegas insiders. He’s the fourth police official connected. The first one, Christopher Van Cleef, committed suicide.Captain Sutton says he served simultaneously on three HOA boards, High Noon, Mission Ridge, and Park Avenue in an effort to stack the boards. He tried to get on a fourth board, Pebble Creek.At the same time, Sutton worked for construction company boss Leon Benzer, a night club owner, whose ancillary businesses included a long list of construction companies which handled the HOA work. Insurance companies poured money into Benzer, and into construction defects attorney Nancy Quon.It’s the largest official corruption investigation in Nevada’s history. It’s also one of the largest in the history of the FBI and the US Attorney’s office.


There are still many public officials contemplating whether to take guilty pleas or be indicted, including police officers, judges, elected officials and others, and a whole lot of frightened public officials in Nevada who rightly think they could be next.

Stalling the investigation, is the spector that four of the first ten suspects indicted committed “suicide,” several in extremely suspicious circumstances. But the federal investigation plods on.

Some of the future indictments are said to be “earthshaking.” Hopefully, no political influences will be brought in this election year to surpress the kinds of indictments which could actually make a difference in American justice.

Another interesting thought: this identical type of FBI investigation could be dropped into any major American city and it would discover the same kind of endemic corruption. It’s organized crime. It’s absolutely in violation of federal RICO statutes. It’s desperately in need of being stomped out in the strongest possible and aggressive attack. If our prisons were filled with corrupt HOA officials, there wouldn’t be too many tears shed on the outside. A national investigation of this sort could actually save a number of suffering Homeowner Associations.

Excellent reporting, BTW, by Las Vegas Review Journal reporter Jeff German.


Some “Inside Dope” on the Las Vegas FBI Investigation

With four decades as an investigative reporter, I can tell you a few things about what’s going on inside the FBI investigation into HOA corruption in Las Vegas.  First, I happen to know that about half the readers of this blog are federal investigators. That’s not ego, it’s just past experience. So, some of this is written for them.

Second, federal agents are extremely worried about the number of indicted suspects who are getting “whacked.” With ten people under indictment, and four of them suddenly dying, the feds know that a large part of their case is going down the tube. For the time being, those are all being called “suicides” for obvious reasons. But no case in FBI history has had forty percent of its indicted suspects die before trial.

It doesn’t take a CSI-head to know why suspects are indicted early. It’s to make them talk. It’s to force them to rat out co-conspirators. Give ‘em a lesser sentence to testify about the scope and breadth of the conspiracy. And for about a month, the feds were on a roll. But then, top figures in the case ended up being beaten, drowned, hanged. By the way, how does a 57 year old attorney (David Amesbury), who’s beaten to a pulp and both his knees shattered by a baseball bat just two ot three months earlier, climb up onto a rafter in the barn and hang himself? Anybody who believes that one desperately needs some psychiatric help.

Anyway, the feds had two dozen other people right on the cusp of agreeing to work out plea deals by testifying against up to a hundred others involved in the Las Vegas HOA scam. Suddenly those swindlers are clamming up. The feds are promising protection, which absolutely cannot be guaranteed.

Reporters have acronyms for contemptible organizations: NASA (Never A Straight Answer), FBI (Famous But Incompetent). And there’s not a doubt some of those organizations have the same contempt for the news media.

But for the feds to salvage this thing they’re going to have to work faster and harder and forget about offering plea deals to get some lesser player to testify against a major figure two years in the future. It’s not going to happen. This spaceship is going to crash.

The very next thing we’re going to see is the Feebies refusing to release any information at all to the public. Remember, this is an embittered public, many of whom have lost their homes and their entire life savings to these HOA scammers. Shutting down all communication about progress of the investigation is a horrible idea. Homeowners are desperate to get some relief.

The best solution? Recognize that the entire Homeowner’s Association Movement is rotten to the core from Miami to Seattle and from San Diego to Maine. Announce to the world that it’s all organized crime. The entire HOA system was designed to allow racketeering. These RICO organizations have to be attacked everywhere. National legislation has to be enacted to take away most HOA powers. Enact a reasonable Homeowners’ Bill of Rights. Take away the ability for any HOA to foreclose. Ensure that every dispute has an entirely independent “judiciary” which will arbitrate away the small disagreements that turn into huge lawsuits. But most of all get the lawyers out of the HOA business. The current structure is just too profitable for them. That’s why so many lawyers are facing indictment in Las Vegas. But this stench is rising not just out of Las Vegas, but from neighborhoods across America. 

End it!

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Think Las Vegas HOA Crime is Bad? Try Hawaii!

“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small, though with patience He stands waiting with exactness grinds He all.” -Friedrich Von Logau (“Retribution”)

Many of us have dreamed of having that condo on the beach in Hawaii. You know, the one you get to visit a few times a year, the ones where the kids go when they want a break from work.

Now imagine what life is going to be like for folks who live at Ne Nani Kai. Jim and Nancy Bevill, as it’s reported in the Molokai News, have just been awarded 3.87 million dollars. The jury found that the HOA board of directors and its employees have been engaged in a course of racketeering, civil conspiracy, gross negligence, intentional infliction of emotional stress along with a host of other crimes.

Guess who pays that four million bucks? The Bevill’s neighbors. Guess what happens now? Other HOA members are going to start coming forward and claiming they were victimized by the same kind of HOA thuggery.

Folks, you’ve got to believe that the HOA industry is right on a verge of a moral, emotional and financial collapse. Crimes committed by HOA thugs have been going on for far too long and the civil and legal establishment is starting to recognize it. (Actually, to put it more bluntly, a whole bunch of lawyers have suddenly decided to switch sides, stop defending the national Homeowner Association Movement and search for new profits defending the victims of these crimes.)

As an HOA homeowner you’re a sitting duck, not just for abuse, but for the financial ramifications of HOA abuse handed out to others.

I’ve been right in all my other predictions. I was one of the first to warn people to avoid buying into the Las Vegas market. I warned of Florida, and Texas, and the Carolinas. Now I’m warning about the HOA/condo market in Hawaii.

Ward Lucas
Author of
Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association