Tag Archives: MAKE IT VIRAL!

Astounding Honey Bee Deaths!

I’ve debated with myself long and hard over the story I’m about to tell you. It really zeroes in on a personal situation I faced with an HOA bully. I swore I would keep the story to myself until I read today’s article about America’s tragic loss of honey bees. Forty percent of all honey bees in the country died last year. Forty percent!

(link to 40% loss of honey bees in just one year)

You cannot imagine how important honey bees are to our agriculture and our very survival as a species. Man just can’t do what bees do for us. Without bees there is no produce in your grocery store. None!

Now, my personal story. I own some acreage in Colorado adjacent to a Homeowners Association. Several years ago, a teenager who raises bees and produces honey for a hobby asked if he could place a half dozen bee hives on my property. There’s no way I would have refused him. For several years the hives were thriving and pollinating vegetation for miles around.

Last year I was away at a publishers’ conference when I got an angry call from a typical HOA bully. He demanded I remove the hives immediately. Mystified at his sudden rage I asked him why? Believe it or not, this guy said “Your bees are drinking from my wife’s pond!”

This is not a joke. Despite the fact that there are several bee keepers within a four mile radius of this property, MY bees were drinking from his pond!

I guess I shouldn’t have ignored him because a few days later every single one of the bee hives was dead. Stone cold dead in just one night. I seriously doubt they died that suddenly from natural causes.

Can an HOA Board Keep Homeowners Out?

These stories just get wilder and harder to believe. The video linked below is beyond shocking. The only good news is that newspapers and TV stations are using HOA horror stories as regular features. Yep, it’s going to be a bad, bad time for these HOA board officers.

Bashing the Handicapped Elderly

We all saw what happened a few days ago when a Missouri HOA refused a sick girl’s request for a playhouse. It went viral, and newspapers and TV stations around the world began covering the story. A certain little HOA president was bombarded with hate calls and mail.

Here’s another case that’s so outrageous it’ll make you spitting mad.

In Atlanta, Rosetta Turner just got out of weeks of intensive care but she’s being harassed to death by the Providence Place Homeowners Association. Rosetta is up to date on her dues. But the HOA has compiled two pages of violations, most of which are not specified. They’ve even fined Rosetta because her home care nurses park on the street, the only place that’s available.

The evil at Providence Place HOA gets worse! Oh, does it get worse.

This fragile, elderly surgical patient now has no running water. Yes, to aggravate the injury and the public humiliation, Providence Place has disconnected her water and won’t turn it back on until she pays thousands of dollars of fines for these violations.

Time to get the NAW grapevine going again!

(link to WSBT News, Atlanta)

Providence Place HOA
2555 Flat Shoals Rd,
Atlanta, GA 30349
(770) 996-1605
Providence Place HOA, 2555 Flat Shoals Rd, College Park, GA, 30349