Category Archives: chickens

How’s Your HOA Home Value, Now?

True believers in the HOA system say, “Well, at least it protects my property value.” That statement only comes from the spectacularly stupid.

When you sign those real estate documents, you are essentially becoming a legal partner with every other member of your HOA. As thoroughly documented in my new book, Neighbors At War, when you have all those other homeowners as partners, you’re liable for every single accident, temper tantrum and lawsuit across the landscape. You’ve made yourself a legal financial partner with people you’ve never even met, possibly many people you’ll NEVER EVEN meet.

Creepy, Creepy Realtors!

LOL! I intentionally avoid going to other Homeowners Rights websites so I don’t inadvertently post a story without giving full credit to the initial blogger. But someone in our movement emailed this to me, and it’s too good not to re-post. In any event, full credit here goes to Dr. Evan McKenzie for coming up with this one first.

It’s about a couple of Realtors involved in high-end McMansion sales who were caught throwing dead animals around the driveway of a neighboring property, apparently to scare potential buyers away from a rival Realtor’s listing.

Want To Do A Guest Blog?

20,000 people a month are now logging into  I like to keep you up to date on what’s going on in ‘HOA Amerika’, but keeping track of it all is a daunting job. So I want to invite each of you to consider doing a guest blog on situations with which you’re familiar.

Just a warning: I’m a tough taskmaster. After 40 years of investigative reporting and television news editing, I want total control over the final edited product. That’s because I have to take responsibility for what we publish. And I want to make sure each guest blog is short, pithy, to the point, and has punch. It has to be absolutely factual, and whenever possible, it has to link to an original published source.  This helps keep us out of legal hot water.

Crazy Birds

imagesCAVA9UV9How the heck did we lose all our freedoms in this country? When did it happen? Did it begin with Political Correctness? Is it an actual political movement, or just what happens when a government grows too big? I have no answers. But I do have the ability sometimes to point to a bureaucracy gone nutz.

Alfred and Annette Rockefeller of Ramsey, New Jersey were shocked to discover they were criminals because they had installed a bird feeder in their yard. A simple birdfeeder. Not a mass wildlife feeding center, just a bird feeder.

Home Gardener About To Get Bashed

I have a lot of sympathy for Chris Gilson, a homeowner in the Brandermill Community Association in Chesterfield County Virginia. But I also have a prediction. He’s about to lose his home and his life savings.3p1[1]

After years of unsuccessful attempts to plant a lawn in his rocky front yard, he planted a vegetable garden, which has grown quickly. Now his HOA is fining him ten bucks a day until he removes it. The HOA says it’s going to assess that fine each day for 90 days. Gilson says he’ll be glad to pay $900 for the privilege of keeping his garden. But the poor fellow just doesn’t get it.