Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

Amazon Book Reviews

Numbers on this website continue to grow each month. We have a ton of new people logging in based on recommendations by friends. I’m also aware of a pretty good spurt in book sales right now and I hope you’re enjoying Neighbors At War. As you know, I am more than passionate about this mission of waking all Americans up to what’s going on in this industry.

Along that line, I’m once again encouraging readers to submit book reviews for Neighbors At War. I don’t recall the exact figures, but each five-star review leads to several thousand new book sales.

If you enjoyed my book or you’re angry about the housing industry’s lie that’s been shoved down our throats for far too long, please help me spread the word. Go to my Neighbors At War page on Amazon and tell the world whether my book helped wake you up.

We’ve got momentum. More and more people are learning the truth each day. But I’m only a tiny part of that equation. You are the 99%ers. You’re like the lead bowling pin in the alley. Each bit of influence you exert then passes that momentum on to others.

We will win.


Ye Olde Clubhouse…The Other Money Pit

guest blog by Nila Ridings

You may pass it by every day with merely a glance and no thoughts to the cost of the HOA clubhouse.  Yet, when we take a closer look at its financial drain you’ll probably sit up and take notice. 
These party palaces can suck away more money than a 40 foot speed boat with twin engines.  And in the case of Quivira Falls there is rarely a party or a paid rental to be found. Most communities restrict usage to homeowners. That makes sense except when the homeowners rarely rent it.
A short time ago, the Quivira Falls board president slyly pulled off a self-dealing maneuver and milked the HOA cash cow for a complete redecorating of the clubhouse.  She claimed to be in the “decorating business” so she slid the job through her company.  No other bids were taken.  There is probably more to the redecorating details, but here’s the list of what I know was done: new window treatments, new hardwood flooring, paint throughout, new bathrooms, new kitchen, new door locks, mold abatement, and custom-framed photographs.  She claimed none of this cost too much because she was keeping “the boys” busy during the winter months.  “The boys” just happened to be employed by the property manager.  None of these redecorating expenses included the price for labor.  Did you ever know of a construction project that didn’t require labor?  And furthermore since the houses are rotten and need repairs and painting, why weren’t these guys laid off like most construction workers and the wages saved until better weather so it could be spent on the townhomes not the clubhouse?
According to the May 2014 issue of QF The News, rentals so far this year have totaled $1,000.  Nice even number, but expenses so far are: janitorial supplies $292.30, pest control $76.72, R&M (whatever that is?) $213.13, utilities $2,393.79.  I’m not a CPA, but my calculations total the expenses at $5,075.94-$1,000=($4,075.94) in the hole. Summer is coming in Kansas so the cooling cost on this money-sucker is going to skyrocket to nearly $900 per month.  You may be asking why the utilities are costing so much for a building that by the rentals would indicate it is empty at least 29 days per month.  Well, here’s the answer: the property manager has ONE EMPLOYEE working in that building Monday through Friday.  Thousands of dollars per year are spent on heating and cooling just for one person to sit at a desk and answer the phone, play computer games or whatever, in that building!
Before the redecorating “money maker,” the previous HOA president had stucco applied to the exterior and told me the cost was $100,000.  There have always been yearly landscaping expenses and most recently lighting was installed on the entry stairs attached to a deck that extends beyond the doors.  I call this place the Taj Mahal.  
It eats money like a slot machine but it’s really too small to be of much benefit.  Most clubhouses are one big room, this one is a small room and another small room with a conference table.  Select homeowners use it for Bunco games.  Others who have tried to use it for meetings regarding the conditions of the community, have been given the excuse of either the furnace doesn’t work in the winter or the air conditioning is broken in the summer.  Always an excuse for keeping the “pariahs” out of the clubhouse their money is being spent on. 
Wichita has a condo association where the clubhouse has a bar.  Its been the source of more than one juicy rumor and drunken fight.  But one night it became the place of a flaming disaster.  A board member rented it to someone outside of the COA and the stories are varied but all pretty much conclude with it being quite the drunken scene.  In the wee hours of the morning it ignited into flames and burned to the ground.  The board members blamed the fire on one of their most-hated condo owners.  (You know the guy that was eventually beaten with a crowbar.)  The Fire Marshall testified that the cause was an outlet behind the refrigerator.  Apparently, it was damaged when somehow the refrigerator was pushed back too far into the wall and the plug smashed into the outlet.  His explanation was logical but the bullies on the board still blame their enemy.  And the damage was around one million dollars.
I’ve had friends who lived at a lake community in the area.  They have a golf course, stables, and a clubhouse with a restaurant.  Now, there’s another “hook” on the HOA concept.  You must eat so many meals per month at the restaurant or pay anyway.  When HOA life goes sour the last thing people want to do is have a meal with their enemies sitting across the dining room pointing, whispering, and glaring at them.  They were happy to sell and get out of there, but part of the revenue comes from “outsiders” renting the venue for parties and wedding receptions. That reduces the financial sting a bit. 
Next time you drive past your clubhouse envision that it is bleeding money because it probably is.  If you are thinking of buying into an HOA…well…I would advise you not to do that, but certainly put the cost of a clubhouse at the top of your list for reasons to run for the exit!

Some Non-HOA Hilarity

Taking a radical departure from the regular topic in this blog, here’s a little humorous offering from comedian Tim Hawkins. He has a music degree and has played in Carnegie Hall. He uses his guitar to poke fun at institutions and conditions of life. In this bit he pokes wonderful fun at those of us who are getting older:

(link to Tim Hawkins concert)

Now, if we could just get Tim Hawkins to write a series of HOA songs!


What Does A Candidate Need And Remember Most?

guest blog by Nila Ridings

I love phone calls like this one from an HOA/COA reform activist. She read Neighbors At War by Ward Lucas several months ago. And she has been doing more research and telling everybody about the CAI propaganda every chance she gets. She’s bought several boxes of Ward’s book and hands them to every legislator, city employee, and candidate she can shake hands with while sharing the plight of the suffering homeowners.

This activist reminds me of the movies; Norma Rae and the one about the environmental activist, Erin Brockovich. She’s professional, determined, and on a mission. We need 10,000 people just like her waking up the legislators!

Thinking there is a strong probability the CAI is contributing cash to political campaigns and knowing nobody can out money the CAI, she did something more effective. She marched into the campaign office of someone that will be very influential in helping her if he/she wins the seat. Lo and behold…who’s there? The candidate! Ms. Activist says, I’m here to help you with your campaign. I’m volunteering to work doing whatever you need, but I need to talk to you first. I have a serious problem in my HOA/COA and I am here to tell you the CAI is filling all of the candidates and legislators full of false information and it’s time for the homeowners’ side of the story to be heard. The office was small and intimate so they sat down for a nice long chat. It ended with Ms. Activist presenting this candidate with a copy of Neighbors At War! The candidate just happened to mention that tonight he/she was having dinner with a legislator with a title that starts with a “G” and Ms. Activist left feeling sure their conversation was going to be shared with others over dinner.

Anybody who has ever been involved with volunteering knows it’s much easier to write a check than it is to physically do the work. Ms. Activist can’t write a $50,000 check or take the candidate out to an upscale resort for a little “sweet talking” over a bottle of wine with a price tag equivalent to her house payment. But she’s willing to be a soldier with boots on the ground walking the campaign trail.

After our legislators passed the bill for the Kansas Uniform Common Interest Owners Bill Of Rights Act, I offered to help with the re-election campaigns for a senator and representative who truly were incredibly wonderful to work with throughout the entire legislative process. We went door to door in horrible heat and placed signs in the approved areas around the city. All signs had to be picked up within a day or two of the election.

After the results gathering at the hotel, I drove around picking up signs until daylight. They were both so exhausted, and boy did they ever appreciate my efforts to ease the additional demands of a campaign by pulling up the signs and delivering them to their homes. To be fair I should share, one of them was a Democrat and the other a Republican. I did it to show my gratitude. But all of us can do it to help the candidates who are gearing up now, just like Ms. Activist is planning to do.

Ask yourself, what would impress you the most? The check from the CAI? Or the HOA Reform Activist who walks with you for hours in the heat, talks with you over lunch, lightens your load when you’re weary, believed enough in you to sacrifice their personal time for no pay to help you achieve your goal, and gave you the opportunity to see with your own eyes the true character and grit of that once stranger who you have been told is either an apathetic homeowner that should have read the CC&Rs” or possibly just another HOA “pariah?” Who would you remember and be willing to listen to?

This is a perfect time to recall the words of Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said.

People will forget what you did.

But people will never forget how you made them feel.”

-Maya Angelou

Another HOA Bully Claims A Victim!

The blog linked below is from the Huffington Post. It’s lengthy but is well worth reading. The author was doing mission work in Nicaragua helping destitute families improve their homes and villages. But upon returning home she was greeted with threats of fines and lawsuits over mildew in her driveway! It’s beyond appalling.

(link to Huffpo article)