Category Archives: Handicap

You’re Crazy, Ward!

LOL! It’s pretty easy for somebody who follows my blog to think I’m stone-cold crazy about some of the horrible things that go on in the typical HOA environment. That’s why it’s fun to have YouTube in the mix.

The link below is to an outraged couple who discovered that their HOA micro-manages each and every person who spends a night under their roof. HOAs typically insist that no unrelated people live in the same house. That means a micro inspection of the relationship between every unmarried or yet-to-be-married couple spending a few nights in the same home. You have to get advance permission if someone is staying over, complete with their name, date-of-birth, Social Security Number and source of income.

You ARE Being Spied Upon!

BTW, for you skeptics who think your HOA isn’t capable of spying on your intimate behavior, be assured they can…and will. Homeowners Associations are all about monitoring intimate behavior and micro-managing your life. With that in mind, the story linked below might blow your mind.

It’s about a Texas family who discovered that someone was able to hack into an off-the-shelf baby monitor, eavesdrop on every sound in the house, and even manipulate the camera to take a look at things around the room, AND CALL THE BABY BY NAME!

What If Helen Keller Lived In An HOA?

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Where do these pompous, perfect, self-centered, and heartless people come from?  Can we take up a donation and buy all of them a one-way ticket to Uranus?

Here comes Florida with more of their stupidity!  But this time, Broward County has stepped up and sued the HOA on behalf of Dorothy Davis because she is frail, blind, hard of hearing, and a ninety-year-old condo resident.  
Nittany is the German Shepard seeing eye dog that will be working for her.  Her nasty neighbors in the Southpoint Condominium Association claim the dog is a pet and yelled at it so much during the critical training period it is now afraid of people!
At her age, Dorothy didn’t need the harassment of these insensitive morons so she moved to Delray Beach. SMART LADY!  Leaving in her wake Southpoint owners who should be preparing to transfer their retirement savings over to her when the jury at the federal courthouse hands down their decision!  
Way to go, Dorothy!  Hats off to you, Broward County!

Fair Housing Law Be Damned!

One of the few ways that Homeowners Associations consistently lose is discrimination against the disabled or handicapped. Still, in HOA Amerika it’s all about intentionally violating the law because the disabled generally don’t have the money to fight. Occasionally HUD will move in and assess massive fines against an Association. But even that hasn’t made much difference.

The story linked below is about an elderly Florida woman, Claribel Ruiz, who has crippling anxiety and depression. Her doctor advised her to get a companion animal, a Chihuahua which has become a life saver for her.

Backyard Chicken Wars

So strange to think that a whole movement would begin around the subject of backyard chickens. In our American frontier, no one would give a second thought to a hen or two laying eggs for the family. But things have changed. Chickens are about as welcome in most neighborhoods as ticks on a picnic blanket.

Still, there really is a movement to convince city councils everywhere that chickens in the backyard can actually be a good thing. In fact, another small town in Colorado has just approved it.