Category Archives: HOA violence

To Hell With The Handicapped!

It’s amazing to discover how few people know that Homeowners Associations routinely discriminate against the handicapped. Despite federal law against such discrimination, HOAs generally do what they dang well please. Once in a rare while HUD will file a lawsuit. Invariably that means a huge fine assessed against every member of the neighborhood. You can be a completely innocent homeowner and suddenly find tens of thousands of dollars assessed against your home because some idiot on the board did something stupid.  

This story is not about HOA discrimination, just the nastiness that routinely happens around families with disabled children.

Fountain is a small town on the outskirts of Colorado Springs. A family there has a 16 year old daughter with Cerebral Palsy. The City of Fountain gave them a permit to build a wheelchair ramp to their front door, but the neighbors are outraged. They say the wheelchair ramp could destroy their property values. The family says the next-door neighbors are threatening to sue.

If this actually was a Homeowners Association, the couple with the handicapped child would already be out on the street. It’s happened before.

It really has….happened before.


Killing the Deal!

Ah, Bunky.

So you’ve finally gotten that wonderful new job in another city and you’ve gotta put your condo on the market. Well, get ready for some bad news. The boards of Homeowners Associations just love killing real estate transactions. And they’ve got lots ways to do it.

An article in talks about a few of the ways a Homeowners Association can kill your deal to sell your home to a prospective buyer.

If your HOA has a history of filing liens and lawsuits against homeowners, you might as well donate your property to a charity. You’ll never sell it. And  a mortgage company will never let your buyer make the purchase.

If your HOA has any kind of legal history (think Trayvon Martin) then your contract with the new buyer is probably dead.

If there’s any history of discrimination or construction defect litigation, then you may as well kiss your home equity bye-bye.

The mortgage companies are getting wise.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Behold the monster you have created!


Are You A Sinner?

That was just hypothetical. According to some religions we are ALL sinners. But what gives a Homeowners Association the right to determine who is a sinner and who is not?

I know, you think I’m just exaggerating again. But my regular readers know I NEVER resort to hyperbole, right?

Well, Bunky, take a look at the latest outrage in a Venice, Florida Homeowners Association. The Casa Di Amici Condo Association refuses to allow a condo sale to anybody it deems (in its own infinite wisdom) to be ‘living in sin.’ Now, if, as the Bible teaches, we are all sinners and no one is capable of judging one another, what in Hell is going on here?

Major life decisions, i.e., investing all your money in a home, is now up to a board of directors who take a vote on whether a prospective buyer is a sinner? Is there a point system? Would my war-widowed mother be deemed a sinner because she married again?  Would I be excluded because I was the second child of my widowed mother? Would a rape victim who chose not to abort a child be rated higher or lower on the Casa Di Amici Condo Association’s ‘sin scale’?

Give me a frickin’ break!

Losers, all of them. If I had their neighborhood address list I would publish it!


Ho Hum. Another Day, Another Embezzlement

KY3 News in Springfield, Missouri is reporting on a 23-count Federal Grand Jury indictment of an HOA bookkeeper in Branson.

Sarah Underwood is accused of embezzling more than 300,000 dollars from the Fall Creek Condominiums. Of course, she’s innocent until proven guilty. But according to the news media in Missouri, she wrote several checks to herself including one for $80,000!

Dumber than a box of rocks!

Next to jaywalking, embezzling from Homeowners Associations is probably one of the most underreported crimes in America. Tragically it’s only the dumb crooks who get caught. This woman certainly deserves to be a runner-up for the annual Charles Darwin award. That is, if she’s convicted.


Kid’s Play Before The Day of HOAs

guest blog by Nila Ridings
This story took me back to my childhood. 
I spent hours in my little play house with my friends.  We took our dolls, coloring books, Play-Doh, and molding clay in there and completely lost track of time.  Every now and then my Mom would peek in the kid-sized door opening and deliver some lemonade or cherry Kool-Aid.  It was located under a big tree so even on the hottest days of summer there was a cool breeze coming through the windows.
It makes me sad that with the introduction of Homeowners Associations little girls and boys cannot have play houses and tree houses.  Nope.  Kiss that idea good-bye.  In many HOAs you can’t even have a basketball hoop.  And not long ago we learned about the ban on anything with wheels for kids to enjoy.
And then we complain that kids are bored, spend all their time on video games, electronic devices, and their cell phones.  Not to mention the incessant discussions in the media and politics about childhood obesity.
HOAs have not only robbed the enjoyment out of adult life and homeownership, we’ve robbed the kids, too!