Category Archives: HOA violence

You ARE Being Spied Upon!

BTW, for you skeptics who think your HOA isn’t capable of spying on your intimate behavior, be assured they can…and will. Homeowners Associations are all about monitoring intimate behavior and micro-managing your life. With that in mind, the story linked below might blow your mind.

It’s about a Texas family who discovered that someone was able to hack into an off-the-shelf baby monitor, eavesdrop on every sound in the house, and even manipulate the camera to take a look at things around the room, AND CALL THE BABY BY NAME!

My friends, baby monitors operate on just a few public radio and TV frequencies. They can be hacked by a school kid. Just YouTube “how to hack a baby monitor” and look at your results!

Finally, take a look at what a TV news reporter did by video hacking an entire neighborhood. She didn’t even have to work hard to do it.


Fair Housing Law Be Damned!

One of the few ways that Homeowners Associations consistently lose is discrimination against the disabled or handicapped. Still, in HOA Amerika it’s all about intentionally violating the law because the disabled generally don’t have the money to fight. Occasionally HUD will move in and assess massive fines against an Association. But even that hasn’t made much difference.

The story linked below is about an elderly Florida woman, Claribel Ruiz, who has crippling anxiety and depression. Her doctor advised her to get a companion animal, a Chihuahua which has become a life saver for her.

“Not so fast!” said the Chancellor Hall Condo Association. “Dogs aren’t allowed. We don’t give a flying fig about the American Disabilities Act. Get rid of your dog or we’ll do it for you!”

Claribel’s dog is a registered therapy dog and she even gave her HOA the doctor’s prescription for a therapy dog. The HOA’s attorney then demanded that Claribel surrender all of her medical records to the Association. She refused and finally told the Association that she would give up her dog.

“Great!” said the Association. “That’ll work, but only as long as you pay all of our legal fees!”

As this blogger sits here reading this poor lady’s story, three things stand out: The woman is single, she’s elderly, and her last name is spelled ‘Ruiz’. That’s three strikes, right there!

Where’s HUD help when someone really needs it?

Shame on Chancellor Hall Condo Association.


Trillions Stolen By Banks

Sealed documents in a massive mortgage foreclosure fraud case against the nation’s biggest banks have now been unsealed. And the results are unsettling. I’ve long been predicting a real estate bubble in the country’s 335,000 Homeowners Associations, and I still believe it’s coming. If this mortgage fraud case picks up steam based on the release of these documents, my prediction will come true sooner than later.


Backyard Chicken Wars

So strange to think that a whole movement would begin around the subject of backyard chickens. In our American frontier, no one would give a second thought to a hen or two laying eggs for the family. But things have changed. Chickens are about as welcome in most neighborhoods as ticks on a picnic blanket.

Still, there really is a movement to convince city councils everywhere that chickens in the backyard can actually be a good thing. In fact, another small town in Colorado has just approved it.

Another strange thing is that chickens are often more frequently welcomed in city, not rural neighborhoods! They keep down pests, they supply eggs, and if there are no roosters around there’s not much noise. (Funny how it’s always the men who are life’s troublemakers!)

Ah! Don’t even think about chickens in the backyard if you live in a Homeowners Association. No, the neighborhood lawn Nazis want your lawn fertilized with strong chemicals, not natural things like chicken manure.

Typical Trickery

There’s yet another lawsuit in North Carolina involving an HOA’s use of phony bookkeeping to jam fees down the throat of an elderly homeowner.

Alan Elam says his family is being bullied by their Homeowners Association (so what’s new?).

Charlotte House HOA and William Douglas Management say HOA dues are late after 30 days. But when Elam is more then 10 days late, he gets fined. When he pays his dues, the fine is charged against next month’s rent which makes him automatically late for the next payment. The fines and late payments have added up to more than $10,000.

Elam’s attorney calls it ‘accounting trickery.’ He’d be more accurate to call it “Standard Operating Procedure.”

The Elam family is destined to lose this lawsuit and forfeit their home.  That’s also standard operating procedure.